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As it seems everyone is having their say, I thought I'd mention the trees in EU ENG.

I love the seasonal changes in the England pack, something I missed flying around Oceania - which seems to have the same season all year round, poor chaps. The colour variety is pretty good but the large clumps of orange deciduous trees do tend to ruin the look of an otherwise reasonably authentic, English Autumn landscape. If it's not too much bother, can these masses be toned down a bit, or even mixed up slightly? The same applies to the Copper Beech trees; it's lovely to see more than just one kind of tree, but large areas of these trees is a rare sight. Usually Copper Beech are placed on their own, which makes them stand out as they should. It would just be nice to see the larger woodland areas contain a bit more diversity, rather than one clump of green here, a clump of orange there, etc. If it's too much then no worries, I just thought I'd mention it.

A note to some: These details (as well as many others put forward by customers) can make all the difference between EU ENG looking and feeling like England or just looking a bit like England. There is nothing wrong with those who have spent their money (some hundreds of pounds), and continue to support Orbx, airing their opinions and offering advice on how to make EU ENG the best it can be. I've seen a few idiots, jumping down peoples throats, accusing them of being a pedant and expecting too much for their money. Well listen here: £26-something is fine, but it's not cheap as some keep making out. I play games on my PC too, and many titles can take a huge team (some 200+) 2-3 years (some far longer) to produce. These games may involve creating an entire engine, voice work, musical scores, CGI, actors, the list goes on and on. And guess what? These games cost the same as EU ENG, which is basically a texture pack.

If something needs to be fixed - or can be improved without too much work - then it should happen. I'm sure Orbx wants to keep it's customers happy.

Thank you and God bless you.


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If we had a budget to support 200+ developers for 2-3 years we would license our own 3D engine, cover the whole world in FTX, make our own B737 and a GA fleet and sell it for £19.99 to 10 million people.

I respect your opinion but please keep things in context :)

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I respect your opinion too, John. However, I was keeping it in context, albeit giving an extreme example to make my point clear. There are many smaller "indie" developers who produce amazing titles (some equally dazzling) for £5 or less. I'm not implying the FTX packs are overpriced or underpriced, I was merely pointing out that the cost of any particular software doesn't dictate whether or not comments/criticism/opinions can be aired by the customer. I'm certain that if Orbx wasn't making profit then prices would increase. ;)

There are some here that exhibit a "fanboy" attitude, and that always leaves a bad smell in forums. Being loyal is a fine thing, but an individual being obsessive over a company to the point where criticism offends said individual is ridiculous.

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But Orbx is not making a profit, which makes it sometimes hard to deal with customer comments no matter how well intended.

If anything we need to increase our prices but I know that would not be a popular move.

Our regions (like FTX England) do not generate a profit for us. It's the airports which offset the loss-leader of our regions. But even then it only helps pay the bills, not generate a profit. I think people misunderstand Orbx; we're not driving around in Porsches and Ferraris, I think some other developers out there living on exotic islands are much better off than we are.

Sometimes people need to take a step back and understand the sheer amount of effort and hard work we put into our products and give us a little slack when things are less than perfect.

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Well, thank you for being so honest in public, John. A CEO showing humility is humbling in itself.

I for one appreciate your work, hence my ever-increasing FTX library, and it's clear that you have a huge following of loyal, thankful customers. And I don't think a small increase would bother most, but it would help you guys; why not put it to a vote in these very forums? Listen my friend, making money is all very well, but most become consumed by it. Like you, I work hard for my money. I have no desire to make more. I work to pay the bills and keep my children fed and warm. With the little I have left I enjoy things like FSX/FTX. Working for what I need - rather than what I want or desire - keeps me grounded. You can be proud to say that Orbx offers the best scenery available for FSX at a price that doesn't make you rich, nor me poor. You charge what is necessary, not what you could get away with. I live by the same principles and I have a clean conscience.

Take note also, John, that unfortunately, when you produce the kind of quality you do, people will judge and they will air their opinions if something isn't perfect. That's just human nature, take it with a pinch of salt. But remember, these same people are loyal customers and, ultimately, they love your product, they appreciate the work involved and they also appreciate the team bothering to comment within these forums. Something that most Ferrari driving developers would never dream of doing! So stay grounded, don't turn into an EA, churning out the same old drivel each year at high prices to keep the Fat cat's fat. Remember what's important and you'll receive your reward.

Thank you and God bless you and your team.


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