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Yay! Banner Update: England to be released soon!


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After being blown away by the NZ scenery, I'm really looking forward to flying over my home country. I know my country well and it's going to be a wonderful experience taking my Drifter for a low and slow flight.

Out of curiosity; the NZ, Australian and PNW stuff looks outstanding but I cannot vouch for how accurate the autogen areas actually are. England, having a huge amount of very populated, large towns/cities must be a nightmare to replicate for us virtual pilots, so how accurate will the populated areas be? Obviously I don't expect total accuracy in the way of all landmarks and company buildings, etc, but how far do Orbx go when developing towns and cities? Can I expect smaller villages to be plotted out, or is it only the larger towns that get included?

I assume the latter to be true, but one can hope. ^-^

God bless you all.

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Out of curiosity; the NZ, Australian and PNW stuff looks outstanding but I cannot vouch for how accurate the autogen areas actually are. England, having a huge amount of very populated, large towns/cities must be a nightmare to replicate for us virtual pilots, so how accurate will the populated areas be? Obviously I don't expect total accuracy in the way of all landmarks and company buildings, etc, but how far do Orbx go when developing towns and cities? Can I expect smaller villages to be plotted out, or is it only the larger towns that get included?

I assume the latter to be true, but one can hope. ^-^

God bless you all.

We use aerial maps to mark towns/ city's and villages etc and all are placed using land class textures and poly's so you should be able to look at the map and find most villages but they won't be exact as they are textures and not photoreal. As for landmarks you will have to wait and see :) but you shouldn't be disappointed.
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We use aerial maps to mark towns/ city's and villages etc and all are placed using land class textures and poly's so you should be able to look at the map and find most villages but they won't be exact as they are textures and not photoreal. As for landmarks you will have to wait and see :) but you shouldn't be disappointed.

Thanks for that, Paul. What I really wanted to know is this: how does Orbx go about placing smaller towns/villages? I.E. Is a rough perimeter (near enough shape/size of said town) filled with a near enough selection of residential/commercial buildings? Basically, will I be able to fly over my village and witness a reasonable reproduction of the area or are much of the smaller inhabited areas just generic housing areas used here and there all over the country?

I'm just curious, because although I love flying around Oceania, I have no idea if what I'm flying over is actually there or not! ;D

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Eventually could we have old, desrted bases from the War, the outlines of Roman roads, forts and marching camps, all of which can be seen from the air as you fly over the UK

I reckon in 5-7 years time a bleeding-edge PC could push almost true, photo real 3D landscapes at acceptable frame rates. Whether or not a developer is willing to take full advantage of such power is another question. I think Orbx would. In fact, I know they would. It's FSX itself holding back any significant step forward. That kind of detail though, Cathy, would be incredible wouldn't it? One day.....

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