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Which Bae146/Avro RJ to buy - JustFlight or Flight1?


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I agree the Quality Wings is an excellent aircraft. BUT I have not been able to get the FMC working despite carefully following the manual. Mr Lars Roennig at Quality Wings is both abrupt and unhelpful when it comes to support. I have mine installed in P3D and it just might be perfectly OK in FSX. I can't find this out yet.

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Or at least will get the six versions once the -146 ones are out (at no extra cost). ;D

I was tempted to jump on the JF one once I saw it was from CLS, but I'm pleased I waited for the QW RJ. It ticks all the right boxes for me systems wise (ie, plenty to play with, but ctrl-e works and there is a non-standard 'gps' button on the AP panel to follow the default FSX planner route if you don't want to program the FMC). I'm really looking forward to the steam -146 versions.


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The AP is also a bit dodgy, Mike but only in P3D. Works the way it is supposed to in FSX. I am glad I have kept my dual install while Lars over at QW sorts out the bugs. I did buy the JF version but it is no where near as good as the QW in FSX.

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Thanks a lot for all you input, this is really very much appreciated.

It’s interesting that there is a clear vote for the QW version. I have to say that his was also my favourite until I checked some youtube videos over the weekend. In this videos the CLS VC look photoreal, crisp and clear, while the QW VC appears a bit blurry and looks more like it was painted than photoreal. In some areas It even looks dull. BTW the same is valid if you compare the outside models.

I know I will get a lots of variants within the QW package and the systems might be excellently modelled (which I think is also valid for the CLS version), but I must admit I’m a bit of a VC junkie, so the decision will be a tough one. I’ll let you know which one made the race in the end.

Cheers, Wolfgang

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Well to be blunt the CLS is only good if you like a very basic aircraft,

The QW is with out Question the one to buy but even then be warned its not NGX

The aircraft was talked about to coolsky DC-9 "can't even hold an ILS straight in a x-wind, has poor L /Vnav, very basic fms, not smooth PFD & ND, 0-failures, no checklist read by FO, no learning center with schematics, IMO mediocre flightdynamics, many buttons in VC unworkable.......is reasonably priced? not creme of the crop graphically, system-wise, and feature-wise....& QW is? Sorry, but Coolsky & QW are not even in the same league if u are in to complex aircrafts IMO."

I've deleted it ATM but will go back to in if they up it's spec, but all that being said lots of people like it, they don't push or find its faults or limits, simple as that.

Stay clear of the CLS IMHO Wolf.

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Sorry Ray,

Yes it was a reply to a topic about the DC-9 when people thought the QW was an epic aircraft. The NGX is just the bench mark all are judged by.

The QW is as above,

Poor at hold a x-wind

LNAV and VNAV not even close to the NGX

Basic FMC

Mediocre flight dynamics imo

Many buttons in VC unworkable

The only aircraft that give me CTD

Still it's a far better than the CLS and if you don't push the QW around much it's nice, just not up there, but QW never said there PMDG. So fair point.

It looks great BTW. The VC is a nice place to be.

I know we cannot say XXXX aircraft has come out any-more but is it OK to talk about other makers aircraft and name them like this topic. I would like to be clear on naming names in a topic like this. Don't want to break Orbx term of use of forums. There forums there rules, have to respect that.

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Can I peep in here a sec folks please.

I run the NGX over NZ SI & NI and get comfortable high teens to mid 20's FPS.

How does the QW RJ compare to that?

You would imagine it should be better, but their 757 began life hard on FPS so I have help off for the moment,

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I actually bought the Flight1/CLS version but ordered a refund the next day as little things like no mouse scroll on knobs and no right-clicking on switches made me feel like it was an unfinished product. Really enjoying the QW version though.

Doesn't Flight1 publish the QW-version and JustFlight the CLS-version? ???


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I would like to be clear on naming names in a topic like this. Don't want to break Orbx term of use of forums.

Technically that would be right.

It is important that the conversation stays civil and constructive on a thread like this, would be my take.

We do retain the right to lock or remove topics about other dev products, but this usually is only necessary in obvious situations.

'Bagging' any developers product here is not ok. Those posts/threads will pretty quickly disappear.

Similarly, posts to promote other scenery vendors products are (obviously) not on.

Mostly, reasonable judgement prevails.

Sent with Tapatalk for iPhone

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QW have hit a nice balance with their AVRO RJ, looking forward to the 146 version. Justflight just don't go far enough with their "lite" approach to FMS among other things.

Only thing that bugs me about the QW is the lask of performance data and procedures - but it's not a QW problem - it's virtually impossible to find apart from very basic numbers.

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I've tested the both QW 146 & JF 146.

QW 146 is far better than JF (for me) cuz the performance is awesome. Flew 2 days ago over NZSI and all i can say the plane is very smooth. Most of the times the plane doesn't follow the ILS Path even when i see the plane doing autoland. Most of the times landing before the runway, sometimes far away from the runway. (during autolands) but when everything is ok and the plane follow the ILS path, most of the times landing very very hard. Maybe im doing something wrong.

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