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Jay Kae

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This is in regards to the bane of my existence.. CAPS!

Rule #3

3 ) Please do not post a thread using CAPS for the subject to attract attention, it is considered to be shouting and rude. Orbx staff may use CAPS for important announcements, such as product releases or community announcements

I do not even like using it for announcements as such but as of now I enforce this rule strictly, no matter of there being a lot of replies to a topic, it will be deleted without notification.

You have to understand that when I come and quickly check on the forums if everything is running smooth, I look out for announcements I need to know about or if someone needs my attention they could be posting it in the forums. I do not need to see subjects of every day topics in CAPS to attract other people's attention.

I trust you understand.

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maybe it's just me but the first word in a sentence begining without a capital does'nt look right. is there somewhere old codgers like me can read up on this new style of grammar for posting in forums. if i have misunderstood you, i apologise for wasting your time. it is only because the first post i read after your announcement did not contain any caps whatsoever.

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Thanks for enlighting me Adrian and Derek.

The only explanation for the word "CAPS" i could find on the internet is bullet, mushroom and hat (search:what does CAPS mean). :unsure:

Ive have also search in my dictionary and found nothing between cap and capers. 8)

Sorry for beeing a stupid dane but i am not professor in your language. :blink: , if i have broken your roles iam sorry to.

But some have to understand that roules you dont understand, you can easily breake.

best regards


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Thanks for enlighting me Adrian and Derek.

The only explanation for the word "CAPS" i could find on the internet is bullet, mushroom and hat (search:what does CAPS mean). :unsure:

Ive have also search in my dictionary and found nothing between cap and capers. 8)

Sorry for beeing a stupid dane but i am not professor in your language. :blink: , if i have broken your roles iam sorry to.

But some have to understand that roules you dont understand, you can easily breake.

best regards


Hi Henrik, we tend to shorten words . The word is "capital" - capital letters are written like this = CAPITAL LETTERS !!....( stop shouting !)

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Sorry, I'm just a huge Lous vs. Rick fan. For those who dare to click, it's the messenger transcript for a guy who teaches his cat how to use IM.

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  • 1 year later...

mra, it's only when you use all caps as in "THIS IS MY FORUM TOPIC TITLE". If you use title case as in "This Is My Forum Topic Title" it would be quite alright, as too would using a captial letter to start your sentences.


Thanks Adrian Lehmann for the transparent crystal clear explain.


The word cap must be deleted in our brain and never remember the word cap.... hahahahahah..that's for laugh, don't get me wrong, hope this cheers everybody up.



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Jay Kae


I am not intending to be the compliance/moral guardian here. After all, you are said to be "Forever Vigilant".


In this General Discussion segment of the Forum, there are at least three threads started by you dealing with Rule violations


They have tended to focus on Rule 3 and the use of Caps. One of them, "Warnings Galore" on 10 November 2013, told members that if they were wondering why their posts had disappeared, it was because of a Rule 3 Caps violation.


I jump around the Forum and only read a small proportion of the postings but the only other recent types of compliance with the Rules I can recall you referring to were about whether a username had the consent of a commercial entity and that a member's avatar had religious connotations which did not sit comfortably with you. I don't take issue with you about those two instances.


However, surely Rule 3 and Caps are small bickies compared to some of the other Rules, the mischief they are designed to prevent and what the consequential effects of non-compliance are.


Rule 1 is a good example. In the past two days in my "pottering" around the Forum, I came across two posts (by different people) which I felt issues with in terms of the tone and language used - and I was merely a third party detached reader and not the person the comments in the posts were directed to. I come from an occupational background where robust debate is par for the course but is done in an atmosphere of civility.


In my view, one of those posts was, in part, well "over the top" and the poster is a person who should know better and lead by example.


If posts are being removed because of Rule violations, perhaps you might like to assess JV's post yesterday in the thread "Removing Queenstowm" in the Payware Support Forum. Does alluding to a Forum member as being an "obnoxious turd" sit comfortably with Rule 1?

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Not a very good entrance there Gartro, I am far from amused with your post. This is NOT a discussion, this is an announcement. I expect no further discussion in here about this either, if you have a gripe, use my email address, not in public forum making a fool out of me, it is far from civil to be quite honest to make a post like you just did. Most administrators of forums would have seen your post as a severe attempt at trolling, I will let it slide this time and blame it on your newbie status.

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