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From KDLS, Dalles to KEAT, Pangborn in a Legacy


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Hello Everyone!

As I will be heading into holidays soon, I am just undertaking some more flights as a virtual pilot before getting on board a real-world tubeliner as a passenger.

For todays flight I was taking RealAir’s Legacy from KDLS to KEAT.

I really enjoyed this flight very much and did take some pictures in between while in the air – and on the ground.

Hope You enjoy as well!

… Okay now, engines are running, so: Let’s move on to the runway …

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… I have to admit: I love this RXP-GNS stuff: “Terrain Ahead†… Thanks for the info, but: No need to worry, we are quite save here …

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… now let’s go en-route …

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… that’s a real fine, little and fast GA-plane. Not sure if I did all the alignments for the TAS 100% correctly, but 200+ is indeed some pretty fine speed. I also turned on ALT-AIR. Not sure if it was really necessary, but as the engine's system monitors displayed some rather “strange numbers†from time to time, depending on the outside conditions, I thought to better turn it on, before I receive “strange numbers†on my instruments too …

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… anyways: Let’s leave our designated route for some minutes now and catch some nice views at the nearby “volcanic-area†…

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… now back to our flightplan …

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… some wide lands in front of us …

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… inside …

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… outside - just a little time later …

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… harvesting the winds in the distance …

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… in the midst of the VOR DME-C approach for KEAT now. Airport - visual and all okay. As with the TAS setting mentioned above, maybe not all 100% correct here on that approach, but not that wrong either - I mean: We made it back safely! ;) ... also kept well within the 15DME arc as the chart demands, got all relevant altitudes correctly and so on … Just please don’t ask me now why: ... I simply like practicing all these various approaches within FSX currently very much. If You want to fly this approach as well, please have a look right there: http://tiles.skyvect...df/00641VDC.PDF

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… here we are …

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… and it was a very nice flight!

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Hello Everyone!

Thank You very much!

All Your kind comments here are really very much appreciated!

As soon as i am back in a couple of weeks from now, i will check in here again for sure :)

And Thank You very much Mike for the hint here:

Encourages me even more now to check out how to fly the NGX properly!

All the very best to all of You and happy flying,


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