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G'day all,

A bit of a quickie this evening... after all the awful weather in Perth the past few days I was up for something a bit more relaxing. Tonight's flight has me over in PNW via Prepar3d for some nice quiet, scenic flying. Starting at dawn on the deck at Bowerman, I loaded up the Sierra for a VOR to VOR ferry flight down to Goheen via the HQM, AST and BTG VOR's in preparation for some scenic flying out around Mt St Helens I'm going to do soon. The weather was real, with data and textures provided by the REX:E wx engine. Only 5 pics this time, enjoy the flight!

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Climbing out from Bowerman towards the HQM VOR, heading for an altitude of 5,500' for this flight. Beautiful conditions for an early spring morning flight - a gentle WNW at about 5kts, great visibility and very little cloud anywhere near the airfield.

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Looking up Grays Harbour past Hoquiam and up to the Chehalis River. I love the textures that have been added to the water around here, they're a real standout.

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Established in cruise and pretty well flying hands off at this point. Gotta love that landing light effect that Ant included in the Sierra, is better than the Shockwave lights in a lot of ways.

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Cruising down towards Astoria, checking out the weather to the East.

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The first bit of Cumulus for the flight, just east of Astoria, there were about 3 clouds and then nothing... smooth sailing (well, flying) all the way to Goheen. More to come as I catch up on some exploration around PNW.



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