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Wrong again :-X Hope I don't get into trouble here. I have got it to XS.to but can not get it to show in a post. And, believe it or not, I have read the thread on screen shots.

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....well hell !!! ..what happened there . I have to be sneaky here and trick the computer ...hahaha ..as if I know what i am doing . Putting the letters " img" between these kind of brackets [ ] at the begining and ...at the end of the jpg # writing this in .... /img ... between those brackets..

Thats what I tried before and the previous post is what I got !!

If your using

http://www.fsfiles.org/flightsimshots/ it is not too hard at all , Click the + sign for every shot required i.e 4 clicks will give you four extra browse buttons . Browse to your screenshot and hit ok , then hit upload .It should become obvious what to do then . If not come back here.

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Hi guys, thanks for the advice. I have read http://www.orbxsyste...he-orbx-forums/ Wolter, and tried to register at OZx imaging. However, every time I enter and submit my details, the blank registration form pops up again. That's why I am trying to use XS.to, which I found recommended in the above thread. I know a lot of members have given a lot of advice, but it is taking time for it to sink in. I've missed something but I don' know what. I will keep at it and see what happens.


Posted Image

Wow I don't believe it. Now all I have to do is remember how I did it. (I could only use the OZx site as A guest)

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