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Are you dimming the IBL panels? I see you have the dimmers for the LED strips, but am curious if your dimming the IBL as well (if so, how? PWM boards?). If not, there should be enough power outputs for your entire MIP on one IBL distribution panel.

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Hi Dan.

Yes, I am dimming the IBL panels. It's done by one of those dimmers, as is the MCP led strip and the MIP (3 led) strips as well, which I've had to purchase extra dimmers for, because the dimming is split- FO's side and Captains side.

The DU's are also dimmed, but that's done via an FC-1 card (from FDS, which I'm waiting for) and the sys card switching.

As I said earlier, I want as many things operating on my sim as possible now, so that I don't have to go back later and add this and that. It's just too hard, pulling things apart all the time.

I'm just finishing off the last switches (six pack and the Fire warning/master Cautions) on both sides and then I can install the cover for the glareshield and lock it down.


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Gotcha, I think. You're using the same dimmer switches for the LED strips (PCB's with some electronics onboard and terminals for +/GND/OUT) for your IBL's? 12V going to the LED dimmers, but running 5V from the PSU to the dimmer switch, then to the IBL distribution panel? Would explain why I received 4 LED strips (2 long, 2 short), but 5 dimmer switches. If that's the case, I'll definitely pick up another IBL distribution card and dimmer switch when I order the FC-1.

I've got all the annunciators done, all the switches mounted, and all the wires cut. Plan on spending next weekend hooking everything up.

Looking forward to your pics when you raise both hands and proclaim "let there be power!" :)

PS - Pulled the trigger on a Revolution TQ last week. 40 day lead time. So I have until then to get everything wired/working..

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Not sure if I got it right the other day in the explanation, so I'll try again.

Before I start, tho, I pulled the dimmers apart and took the pots from them and mounted those pots in the panels and then ran the connecting wires back to the dimmers (which you saw mounted on the back shelf).

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Knob 1. Is marked MAIN PANEL. This is to dim the IBL panels on the Captain's side. 5 Volt rail and the negative rail to the (in + and in - port) dimmer switch. On the (out + and -) these go to the Captains IBL Dist board.

Knob 2. Is marked Upper DU BRT. This actually controls the dimming on the centre EICAS panel. This is done via a pot and the FC-1 unit. I cannot give you specifics here, as I haven't got my FC-1 yet, so can't wire it up.

Knob 3. Is marked OUTBD DU BRT. This relates to your Cpt's left PFD. It's the dimmer for that panel and again is dimmed via the FC-1 card and wired up to the Sys4 card.

Knob 4. Is marked INBD DU BRT. Again, this is the Cpt's ND and it's dimmed the same way (FC-1) and wired to the Sys4 board.

Knob 5. Is marked LOWER DU BRT. Once again, this is the dimmer for the Lower EICAS panel. This will bepend on whether you have a lower EICAS installed. I have a 10" lcd in my lower EICAS and will be trying to incorporate this dimming via the software, the same as the other dimming.

Knob 6. Is marked BACKGROUND. This is the dimmer for the led strips under the glareshield. (I am presuming your strips are 12 volt, so just check this first.) 12 volt rail and negative rail to the dimmer in + and - port. Then connect the single, two or three strips (some builders only put a single strip here, but the Engravity glares have nicely built recesses for the addition of two extra strips, to diffuse the light more evenly) up to the out port + and - on the dimmer.

Knob 7. Is marked AFDS DISPLAY. This is the dimmer for the MCP. I have mounted a single led strip in front of my MCP. It's wired up the same as the BACKGROUND knob .


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FO's Side

Knob 8. Is marked MAIN PANEL. This is the right IBL dimmer. So, wire this up in the same manner as the CPT's side, except to the FO's IBL DIST. Remember, this is only 5 volt, tho.

Knob 9. Is marked INBD DU. FO's inboard display unit. This is hooked up to the FC-1 card and dimmed via the I/O card and software.

Knob 10. Is marked OUTBD DU. FO's outboard display Unit. This is also hooked up via the FC-1 card, and the I/O card and software to achieve the required dimming effect.

You might ask, is all of this correct? Well, first of all it's pretty hard to get this info.

It seems to me that different models have different configs, so what I did was crank up my trusty PMDG NGX and ran all of the lights in the 800 series model (which is what my sim is based on).

I've also cross checked with the 737 Audio Ground school, which gives you a breakdown of all of the switches, dials, led's within all of the 737 models.

Nice to hear about the Sim Revo TQ, but don't beak out the champers after 40 days. Still waiting for mine, not sure how long, now........

Hope all of this helps, mate.


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Thanks for the explanation... That's pretty much exactly how I want to set mine up.

If it's ok, would like the ping off you in a few weeks when I get to that stage. I've a couple technical questions for you, specifically regarding the IBL dimming. The DU dimming (running the POTS to the FC-1 card) is pretty self-explanatory. I'm just curious how you're specifically implementing IBL dimming (especially since all I've read regarding FDS IBL dimming revolves around using a PWM card, such as a KTA-195 card). I haven't gotten to thinking about it 24/7 yet, but since the IBL panels are actual bulbs, and not LED's, simple voltage regulation should work... Either way, be very interested in your implementation on a more technical scale, if you have a few minutes.

Also, you running -12V and a -5V rails/buses? You mention the negative rail for knob 1 (IBL) above. Just curious as I'm using a newer Corsair 1200W Gold ATX PSU for my MIP, and the -5V rail rail (pin 20) was dropped back at the ATX version 1.3 transition. Curious if I need to create my own -5V rail.

Again, thanks for the input, I greatly appreciate it!


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What do you mean, question mark?

They are from photobucket (I usually use Voz image hosting, but I've had problems there for a while), so I can't imagine why you can't see the pics.

And Dan, I think you'll find that those dimmers do use pulse width modulation. They were suggested to me by someone who really knows his stuff, so I'm going with him on this one.

I'm real close now, so hopefully I'll be able to crank it up in the next few days and see if I'm right.

Will let you know then, Dan.

Oh, and John, I couldn't get hold of him mate, the sim only flies to 40,000 ft,


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Well, another week is gone and I'm edging closer to moving on to the next phase.

I'm working on the last of my connections whilst I await my packages from Canada and England.

The top for the glareshield is nailed down now (sorry, shood have said screwed) and had a base coat of paint.

Here's a few pics of it:

Top of the MIP, being prepped for light sand and final 'crinkle' paint

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I still need to add the fillets under the MIP to finisg it off and attach my last led strip (hanging down)

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I also got to testing my lower EICAS screen in the CDU bay last night. It serves as a second EICAS and can perform a number of functions and with SIM A, you can bring up all sorts of auxilliary info on it during flight.

It was so nice to see it operational and the engines spooling up remotely (as it's run off the network) without any lag or glitches.

I'll take a few pics later today to show some of the auxilliary screens that you can view on it.

That's all for now.

Gotta go build a cabin for flyingleaf and install 86 x 40" lcd's...............


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It's just expandable foam that you buy from Bunnings (or similar). Squirt it into a cardboard box, let it set and then cut it to shape.

Once it's right, a layer of fibreglass cloth and resin over the top, a quick sand and a splash of paint.

Then glue it in place. The rocket science is in the software and hardware integration, not this.


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Ok, so I just went to check on my glareshield cover, which I've sanded and painted with wrinkle finish this arvo.

Not happy, Jan!!!

It's not turned out right.

Here's the pics:

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As you can see, areas have wrinkled and some haven't. I did have similar problems with the glare wings and had to do them a few times before getting them right.

The paint is meant for a metal finish, so I prepped it by using an undercoat, but it's probably still a little porous and allowed the coating to saturate the MDF.

I'll give it another light keying in the morning, go down and buy another can of "wrinkle-plus" and try it again.

The cans are 20 bucks a pop, so I'm hoping that 4 cans is enough, now.

I can't leave it like this anyway, so It's forward ho.....


Whoops, meant to also add a thanx to Jay for getting Voz Image hosting up and running again. I been using another facility for a while, whilst the work was going on over there, but Jay does a stellar job and I'm glad to be using that service once more.

You rock, Jay, thanx for your dedication!!!


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That bl*&^y paint is a nightmare!

I went out and bought another 20 dollar can today and slapped it on. It's covering more area, but still has a few more spots to go. I may still need to buy another can yet...

I'm not sure that it is worth all of the trouble.

I suppose I won't know until I remove the masking and have a look at the finished product.


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There is something to be said for persistence.......

Rubbed back the top again first thing this morning, bought a new can of wrinkle and plastered it on. Dragged the unit out into the sun and it's doing it's magic...at last!

I'll be a happy little vegemite by tonight!

Here's some pics. It's still drying a bit, but already looking the goods:

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You're right Mike, it's bolted down now and unless the whole shooting match won't work, it won't be coming off again.

I removed the masking tape a few hours ago and I'm suitably impressed. Stuck down my MCP led's and just doing the finishing touches now. I still need to hook up a few little things, but am awaiting my shipments from OS.

I'm busting a gut now to get it out of the garage, so that I can get on with the side panels. I've got drawings made up and got most of the materials.

Phase two, roll on.


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Yep, I'm off to check my drawings and see what stock I have in the shed.

Would like to get started on them early next week. Nothing stopping me from dragging the MIP back into my "Flight Deck" room and finishing it off there.

Pics will follow.....


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Oh, one other thing. I'm forgoing an 'old school' clipboard and opting for the EFB on the pilots side.

Here's something similar to what I have planned:

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Looks kinda neat, huh? I'll be implanting my Transformer E-pad in there.

Now, off to the drawing board..........


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And I've just found the few pics I promised from the other night when I was setting up my twin CDU's and my lower EICAS.

Here's a shot of the lower EICAS, booting up to win 7:

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And here it is, being set up for operations in Sim A:

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More to come........


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Haven't got that far yet, Ryan.

I bought a copy of EFB, so may use that. I have also got a whole bunch of didgital flight plans that I can use (they are pdf files, including the charts).

Either way, I can use my existing E-pad, but I'm thinking I may need to lash out and buy the Prime.

Anyway, I'll build the walls first and then see how I go.

Now, I'm off to buy some more supplies from my local hardware store.


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Thanx John, I think you are right.

Just got throo marking out the start of my oxy panels. I'm gonna make them myself, as there are very few makers of these panels.

Mine will only be dummies....c,mon, if I need oxygen, I've been at this too long!

Isn't too involved, but I might find it hard to source the braided hoses.

Pics tomorrow, when I start cutting and constructing, I promise.

It's beginning to look a lot like christmas...


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Got some piccy's to go shortly, of the crew oxy panels I started today.

Had a job at Bunnings trying to source the right paint. Got the right colour for the panels (almost kahki green), but gave up on the lighter boeing grey for the sidewalls. It's such a big job, I wanna get the colour right, so I'll consult with my friend from Qantas and see what he has to offer.

Pics later on tonight after I get back from the gym.....


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