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From the Jumpseat


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If you have ever flown in the jumpseat, in the days when the captain could invite you up to the flightdeck, this was very much the view, straight-ahead that you got. This camera angle replicates the experience extremely accurately. I got hours on flight decks in the olden days, just passed my pilot's licence forward and got everything from take-off to landing (with time out in the middle to enjoy a wine and food).

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Nice one Ian. I don't mean to brag (but I'm going to anyway) my claim to fame was in the early eighties, when I was working for a TV station. We were making an in-house programme for Arriflex and the subject matter was promoting the speed of their new lenses. They liked the idea of the speed of lenses being associated with the speed of something fast, and this was where Concord came in. I took off from JFK in the jump seat of Concord to film from the cockpit. Unfortunately due to the AOA and the position of the jump seat, it proved impossible to get the shot! Anyway, it's a memory and experience I hold very close to my heart ;)

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