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NZSI-FTX Central-Files Validation Report


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Upon installing NZSI, When I went to FTX Central and clicked on Oceania to apply, I noticed first, that a box that said "Use Orbx Trees" was above the apply button. Default was checked....then, when I clicked on Oceania to apply...I got the following.

Custom Files Validation Report

FSX file does not exist.

C:\Flight Simulator X\Scenery\Global\Texture\veg_Broadleaf_MesquiteOlive.dds

FSX file does not exist.

C:\Flight Simulator X\Scenery\Global\Texture\veg_palm1.dds

What is crazy, is that, looking manually into the folder, both of these files were indeed in there.

I have downloaded a couple of the freeware AU airports a long time ago, but not sure if that would be the issue.

Also, when I un-check the Use Orbx Trees button, I get no errors. Only when I attempt to apply the region with it checked.

I am unsure as to what could be the problem.

I have no other addons for this region.

Any ideas?

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FSX file does not exist.

C:\Flight Simulator X\Scenery\Global\Texture\veg_Broadleaf_MesquiteOlive.dds

......the above is now resolved, as I moved the moved the lost texture to where it needed to go into Global/Texture.....

but the

FSX file does not exist.

C:\Flight Simulator X\Scenery\Global\Texture\veg_palm1.dds

............still remains an issue.

For NZSI, am I suppose to click on "Use Orbx Trees" for that region? because do not get any errors if I leave this box unchecked...but I have noticed that my North America region does not have this option. Unsure as where to go from here, and really wanting to fly in my newly purchased area.

Thank you

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I manually found with a system search, the other missing file, and then moved it back to the Global/Texture area.

Now no issues.

Could someone please be so kind as to explain to me what that was all about though? I mean, is it just a backup of a default file? Because the modification date of the file was really quite old, before I even bought the game old.

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Hi there,

when you switch FTX Central from Default FSX to Oceania it makes backup copies of the default version of the files it needs to overwrite and stores them in \ORBX\Scripts\Backup. Somehow, at some point those two files went missing from your original FSX installation and thus the error messages.

Good bit of sleuthing though in figuring it out yourself!

Cheers, Holger

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Thanks for the reply. And ya, I figured it had to be some sort of backup, seeing how the scenery loaded fine, and all the vegitation indeed looked beautiful......NOTHING like default...lol.

And thanks, while snooping around myself does sometimes bear fruit, most of the time it is my downfall...

Thanks for the explanation....off to explore now!!!

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