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Out Cubbin' around Tassie

Derek McAllan

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G'day all,

Set two for today, it's great to be back in the skies and having some fun flying around. After my long flight in the PC-12 last night I thought I'd go for something a bit more sedate... a nice leisurely flight through some mountainous Tasmanian scenery with the lovely Heidi in the Cub. Time was around midday and the weather was real, and as always provided by REX. Setting out for a scenic flight from Strahan heading East to do a tour of the mountains surrounding Lake Burbury, the weather was looking OK. Things didn't go to plan, however...

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On the Tarmac at Strahan, just before startup.

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We're off without a hitch, Heidi seemed to be enjoying herself immensely.

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Cruising down past Macquarie Harbour, hmm these clouds are getting a bit low.

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Passing between Mt Strahan and Mt Sorell, things began to look a bit dicey ahead. Truth be told, they looked even worse behind.

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Sure enough, the rain started up and cloudbase began to drop. Heidi began to question my judgement at this point... "Are you sure we should be flying in this?" No faith whatsoever. Time for a bit of a re-evaluation of our plans. Picking a gap in the weather we head north towards Queenstown.

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Ahh, safe. Flying a pattern over Queenstown before a safe landing.

Thanks for watching!



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