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Acronis True Image Advice


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I've just been on the 'other' forum and received some information regarding backup of my OS and FSX. Acronis true image 2012 was mentioned and I thought I'd see if any guys around here use it and whether it can be recommended. Also, I hope this isn't a silly question, but is it possible to copy two drives at the same time, eg, a drive with FSX and the OS on another?

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I use Acronis True Image and swear by it (which means I recommend it obviously) :)

You can backup/image any drive/folder configuration you wish. I have 3 primary drives in my rig (128GB SSD, 256GB SSD, 2TB WD Caviar Black), and when I run True Image, I simply select those drives to include in my image. I have a 4th drive (2TB WD Caviar Green) which I have it image to, then copy the image to my NAS for safe keeping. I setup all my software, and a complete FSX configuration then image it (I don't see a need to image installed games as FSX is the only thing that requires a ton of tweaking/install time). Total image size (one file) is around 102GB.

If you are imaging whole drives, three typical options I've seen done:

- Create the image to a seperate drive on your machine that you're not imaging.

- Image to an external HDD.

- Image over a network to another machine.

The above are listed in order of increasing time to image due to data rates. Acronis also has some very powerful backup tools and has the ability to tightly integrate itself into Cloud if you want. In addition, Windows can treat the image file like a normal archive, so you can just double-click and drill down into the image to pull a single file back if you need, without starting Acronis.

One recommendation: Whichever backup process you use, once you create the image, restore the image to ensure it was created correctly. Nothing worse that going to restore an image months later when you need it, to find it wasn't done correctly.


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I am using acronis for 3 years now and this is a total must have.

I use it in a very simple way:

First, I have a reference save for my system, with nothing but essential softs installedm and, a reference save for my system + fsx + all trusted adds-on (eg, external adds ons like ASE, and all aircrafts).

Then, from the point i start to install sceneries which can leads to issues, as orbx does sometimes, I switch to an incremental save, at first run every day, then every weeks. If the system is perfectly stable, I start another incremental from a full and there we go. If my system has little changes I can keep running incrementals for months with extremely low impact on disk space. As an example, my today save is 200Mo large.

I also use incrementals to save all my sensitive datas, but since I have acronis 2011 I can't backup GPT and I have to use file saves.

Finally, I also use All time Saves to backup my very sensitive and changing datas, eg, fsx.cfg, fspax database, controls and keyboard files, mails, browers favorites, iTunes library etc ..

This soft is a TOTAL must have.

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IF and I say IF you OS is totally separate from everything else then you only need to backup your OS drive,

I you want you can use Akronis to make a compressed image of any other drives or you can simply copy the entire drive as is.

The OS and your User Profile along with the registry are the 3 most important things to backup. (MUST be an imaging program due to special and hidden files etc)

Everything else can be either Zipped or blanket copied - personally for the cost of large backup drives these days anyone not having backups is doing themselves a great dis-service.

We are after all spoiled for choice,

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Hello Howard, you don't say which version of W7 64 you are using. If you are using the Pro/Ultimate version there is an Image creation facility built into Windows. See below:-


It permits image backup of multi drive systems also, all into a single file on an external HDD. Very easy to use and it works.

Just a thought mate, no point in paying for software to do what Windows can already do, provided you have an appropriate version installed.

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IMHO Windows Backup is about as useful as feather's on a frog, BUT if it works for you then that's cool and as you state comes on board with Windows 7.

I am afraid I have had very poor results with PC's that I administer here in the mountains , yet for the cost I have never seen an Akronis nor Ghost image fail IF done correctly I might add.

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Just stay away from making the image to DVD. Use an external drive if you can and burn the rescue media CD when asked if you want to make one. I've used Acronis for years now with no problems, I have an image with the OS and basic software for use in testing software purposes and a complete back-up with full apps (FSX etc). Handy for getting you back to where you were when things were running ok before things went South. The windows built in image back-up also works fine for me, but it is always better to boot up from the rescue CD that Windows asks you to burn as this makes the reloading process easier to understand.

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