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Compatability with FSX and Win7 64Bit


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are you talking about just downloading the freeware ORBX airports and running them in default FSX? If this is the case you may have issues like field elevation anomalies etc. as the freeware airports are designed to run within the ORBX scenery area where the field is located and was designed with that mesh etc. Only way to find out is try it and see but if it does have problem the only solution is to by the ORBX area scenery.

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Good info above, but in addition, because of permissions settings in Windows 7 64-bit, it's best to have FSX installed in its own folder outside of the default "Program Files" (e.g. install FSX to C:\FSX or K:\FSX etc etc) to avoid some of the permissions issues inherent in Win7 64-bit. This saves you having to remove User Account Controls or set specific permissions for files. Not all add-ons are affected by this but some are, so its best to reduce any potential right from the start and put FSX in its own (different) folder from the location offered by default with the installer.

Also, best to get the region packs for each freeware Orbx offering too, so you see everything available in the freeware, and it all looks as it should.

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It is windows compatible, you just have to go thru the security protocols which are at worst only a nuisance and Dean's advices solves that little pecadillo..pcadolo..pecadilo.....where's spellll chwck in thus forem ;D ;D

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