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Wow! Now the Rallye IS an aircraft worth giving the whole works too! Not just because I solo'd in one back in 87 (only to have it destroyed in our infamous "hurricane" when it was lifted up and deposited upside down on the plane next to it) but because of its excellent flying model. The later Socata models were much more sophisticated but the 150st

was aerobatic whilst having a good short field performance. Nicknamed "The metal parachute" because of it's low stalling speed it had two automated leading edge slats to improve low speed lift and pretty sophisticated flaps too. The leading edge slats would "SNAP!!!!" out at 60 knots with a noise that never failed to make you jump as you concentrated on finals :D :D . I'd pay a lot of money just to have that simulated. It also had a pretty old fashioned long stick that would be more at home in a WWII vintage aircraft. Like many good trainers it was easy to fly but a challenge to fly "just right". If you're into the Lancairs of the current era it might not be your cup of tea but if you can swap performance for pleasant quirkiness this is a plane for you.

So what is the model in the shot and where can we get it Filou? Thanks for bringing back some great memories with the shot.

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thanks for you comments.


Is not 100 percent compatible with ( fsx sp2)

Thank's for the link. It would make a great model to be done to current standards.... some weathering, wear and tear etc. The only downside was that it had a castering nose wheel so you steered by using the brakes. Took some getting used to but why they never connected it to the rudder as with most light aircraft......?


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