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recent shots - a bit of everything PNW - 19 shots


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Here are shots Ive been wanting to show. Fall is looking great all around FTX land.

The first group is from today around Starks. just general shots. then pic 6 picks up from

a flight that started at pic 16. I flew from Starks to almost Cushmans and then west to KHQM

and then back to Fall City and then northward to KORS (no pics of that last part). I had saved the flight

and changed the weather and took pics around Seattle. I was feeling 'artsy' and took pics of all kinds

of things. Im showing some of them. and then theres a few from another sky Im working on.

and then the last four are just very nice day travel (portland, KHQM and Seattle)

I'm pleased with what Ive been working on. I hope to be finished soon and then anyone

who wants to see it will be able to download it and try it. Id love to share something

now but its not ready yet.

Starks area - from today:

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out of Fall City:

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Seattle misc:

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Beautiful travelling weather: Notice the brightness towards

the sun and compare with away from the sun. Its a nice effect IMO.

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KHQM (didnt catch the whole airport but i got the ship)

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Thank you all.

Dontay - Thanks but its not REX. Its my own skies that Ive been working on. The clouds are FEX. Ive found a way to make them look pretty good but so far they look best with user weather. Thats what that is.

That is a great set. Which clouds and daytime sky theme are you using? It looks brilliant.

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