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HD c 182 install


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Hi this would be sound like a stupid question ,but how do I install free HD c 182 . I have after install only in fsx sim object folder with hd c182 ,but no aircraft CFG no panel .Folder only include texture ,so I don't have any options in free flight to select aircraft. Then I donload some default c 182 which works and try to add next plane in this CFX with a same name C182 rg and texture name from ftx download of c 182 RG but texture are not corectly display it looks like game from 1980 . Please can anyone help obviously the way I am trying to install the plane is not correct .Thanks Petr

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  • 3 weeks later...

thanks very much I just bought few days back HD C337 . Very nice VC happy I did that just cant fly it that much so I have spare time for Airchild. The only think I cant get into my had why they dont have vc rain , new plane ,HD texture, I am running dx9 I can see rain out from window I can here rain droping on VC but dry like SAHARA . If somebody make that think and sell it for 20 D i would be the first to buy it .

Cheers Petr

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  • 1 year later...

I may be coming into this party a bit late, but my problem is the same.

I have the "Carenado Cessna 182 Skylane II RG" - that's the description on the disk purchased from one of your re-sellers, here in Australia.

I downloaded a file called C182RG_VH-JDW101.zip.

I did all the usual things you have to do to install software on a Win 7 Pro system. Ie: turned off anti-virus, UAC is not running, then ran the installer as "Administrator".

Right at the end of the install, a warning message popped up to say that the software install had failed. This pop-up lasted about three seconds, then reverted to the "All is well" notice.

The variant does not show in the FSX menu for loading aircraft.

I had a look in my FSX folder: there's a folder there called "Carenado C Skylane 182 RG II". This folder contains Texture.VH-JDW and thumbnail_VH-JDW.jpg

I tried moving the files into the Carenado Folder for the 182RG, but that didn't work.

Thanks for the efforts to produce the file so I can fly it in my Orbx PNW scenery. Sorry it didn't work out.

If there's anyone with a suggestion, I'd appreciate hearing it.

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the problem may be that there are 3 different Carenado 182's on the market - the 182 RG II, the 182Q and the 182T. Unfortunately the details on the ORBX page don't say which of these versions it's for, and I can't run the exe here at work (no administrator rights). Maybe I'm being silly, and the file may work for all 3 variants, but I'd check out any readme's that came with the file and compare there what it says about which model it is for.



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Thanks Jack,

No read me with the file. Just a zipped installer. I seem to recall somewhere the reference to the 182 RG. This may not be the problem. I'm more worried about the error message that was displayed then overwritten at the end of the install process. Therein may be the rub.

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Hello March,

the entry for this repaint in Your aircraft.cfg should look like below:


title=Cessna Skylane II RG R182 VH-JDW






kb_checklists=Carenado Cessna R182 Skylane RG Check

kb_reference=Carenado Cessna 182 RG_ref



ui_type="Cessna Skylane II RG R182"

ui_typerole="Single Engine Prop"



description=Carenado Cessna Skylane II RG R182







instead the xxx in [fltsim.xxx] You must fill in the next number You have listed in Your existing aircraft.cfg.

Also the folder "Texture.VH-JDW" must appear in the tree of the aircraft-folder (Carenado Cessna Skylane 182 RG II)

Hope that could help You.

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