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0S9 paper mill, Yea I love FTX


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I hear you may do my home airport Jefferson County, Washington! While you are at it can you put the Port Townsend mill back? That is our first clue of wind direction when getting close when flying for real. I could swear it used to be there in default scenery, or maybe Ultimate terrain had put it there. Anyway, its been gone since ORBX PNW. Maybe it was never there at all!! Anyway don't forget it when you do 0S9. A little smoke in the wind would be great!!

Love your products, have them all. Imagine my delight when you started doing my favorite airports. Last week I took a real flight in a Cessna 172, 2 hours

0S9-KAWO-1S2-3W5-WA56-KORS-KFHR-0S9 of course passing right over Diamond Point right before getting in the pattern at JefCo.. Touch and go each one, except the farm. Actually we took a break at the picnic shelter at Darrington.

Note that 5 of those airports are very familiar to me from FSX+ORBX Thanks a million guys, My flight Instructor is amazed how well I know my way around! ^-^ .

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You mongrol Bronco........how dare you wave this in front of our noses..have you no empathy for us poor land lubbers ;D

But seriously, nice clean lines on this one. good colour (OZ spelling) nice retractable legs....whoops sounds like a horse.:)

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Sorry, about that.

Since this is clearly the responsibility of FTX, I hope they will customize my hangar at 0S9 so I can tuck her in.

I wonder who is doing the airport? It really is a fun place. It has a cafe, the Spruce Goose that actually serves really good food. It is a very popular $100 hamburger destination. We have a lot of flight training going on for a small town, in an incredibly low-key environment. The scenery in the area spealks for itself. Diamond Point is right underneth going west before you get too far. Then you might as well touch and go at Sequim valley at least before coming back.

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I think I've gone over the edge and lost touch with reality. I saw this add yesterday, and today I own it. http://www.trade-a-p...il/1295083.html

I hold ftx wholly responsible for this irresponsible act.

Good buy! Faster than a Cessna 172, has better visibility, and its lighter on the controls. It looks as if you made a good purchase, engines are quite fresh, good price too! Except, you could have gotten a Baron 55 for that or less, they're so undervalued right now...anyways, congrats!

P.S. My friends own one of the really big box hangars there, they have a 195 and a 310.

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Good buy! Faster than a Cessna 172, has better visibility, and its lighter on the controls. It looks as if you made a good purchase, engines are quite fresh, good price too! Except, you could have gotten a Baron 55 for that or less, they're so undervalued right now...anyways, congrats!

P.S. My friends own one of the really big box hangars there, they have a 195 and a 310.

Re: Baron, I noticed that!! If operational costs are not worrisome to you, you can get a LOT of airplane for your money in the two engine category.

I still have to be conscious it will cost me $360 to fill N1940Q up!

Theoretically, you can get the 177rg cruising along at 8 gph, of course...it will go faster....

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Re: Baron, I noticed that!! If operational costs are not worrisome to you, you can get a LOT of airplane for your money in the two engine category.

I still have to be conscious it will cost me $360 to fill N1940Q up!

Theoretically, you can get the 177rg cruising along at 8 gph, of course...it will go faster....

If you find a good Baron, with good engines, its a deal, but they always want way too much (say $40-$75000 too much) and it doesn't make sense. You need to shop right in the twin's case.

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