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NO AI traffic


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Hi Wolter

Had exactly the same problem as others with no AI. When I checked the FSX Config file the SimObjectPaths.6=ORBX\FTX_AU\FTXAI_AIRCRAFT was missing. A quick type and all is well! Do you have any idea as to why this is happening to so many people?

I can only reiterate the thanks for all the support that this forum supplies -you guys are great!

Thanx again


:) :)

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Hi there,


Please HELP. I am trying to install the GA files that are linked within the FTXAI manual. I have installed all the BGL files associated with the link into my FSX/Scenery/World/Scenery folder. When I start FSX and go to YBBN airport only the GA traffic will appear and no FTX traffic will be present, if I exit FSX and delete the BGL files and restart FSX then the FTX aircraft will appear. I dont wont to use the default traffic bgl as it has heavy jets within it and I only wont the GA aircraft to go with FTX. If I use the control panel and tick FSX default that works ok with FTX traffic. Has anyone got any ideas Ive' tryed everything.



Did you get this resolved? Please check whether the GA files you installed all start with "Traffic_FSX_Default_GA_". That same page also contains a number of FS9 GA flightplans so maybe you grabbed the wrong ones. The direct link is http://www.flightsim2004-fanatics.com/uploads/DefaultGA/FSX_DefaultGA.zip

Cheers, Holger

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Same for me. After installing FTX AU Traffic there was no control panel apart in the E:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\Scripts folder. So when I clicked this I got something like "no configuration files".

The install only changed the FSX.cfg of the Admin. So after changing the fsx.cfg for the user all was fine.

Great. Many thanks for your work. How about some porting to X-Plane?


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Thought I'd share my installation issue in case someone was having the same problem. 

I installed AI in a standard User Profile in Vista using "Run as Administrator".

Once the installation finished, I started up FSX in my Standard User account and no traffic at all. I noticed that the install altered the fsx.cfg file for the Administration account on my PC, but I wasn't logged in as Administrator. FSX was still  calling the unmodified fsx.cfg file under my standard user profile.

So I just needed to copy over the cfg file from the Administrator's account into my own user path, and hey presto!!

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Hi there,


Please HELP. I am trying to install the GA files that are linked within the FTXAI manual. I have installed all the BGL files associated with the link into my FSX/Scenery/World/Scenery folder. When I start FSX and go to YBBN airport only the GA traffic will appear and no FTX traffic will be present, if I exit FSX and delete the BGL files and restart FSX then the FTX aircraft will appear. I dont wont to use the default traffic bgl as it has heavy jets within it and I only wont the GA aircraft to go with FTX. If I use the control panel and tick FSX default that works ok with FTX traffic. Has anyone got any ideas Ive' tryed everything.



Did you get this resolved? Please check whether the GA files you installed all start with "Traffic_FSX_Default_GA_". That same page also contains a number of FS9 GA flightplans so maybe you grabbed the wrong ones. The direct link is http://www.flightsim2004-fanatics.com/uploads/DefaultGA/FSX_DefaultGA.zip

Cheers, Holger


If I may chime in here, the issue is not resolved, at least not for me. I read above Wolter is also trying to get this to work. Anyway, adding the BGL files you linked to in the FSX Scenery\World\Scenery folder results in the disappearance of the FTX AI traffic. Do you have any ideas what could cause that?

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Hi guys,

thanks for the heads-up on the issue with Administrator rights. Looks like the installer assumes an admin login rather than specific users; perhaps a question for John V. or whoever coded the installer.

B.F., FTX AI requires only one scenery library entry, the one named FTXAI_TRAFFIC. Please see Wolter's screenshot on the previous page to check against your installation.

Rimshot, that seems odd about those default GA flightplans. What you could do though is to run them through bglfpfsxconvert.exe (check the first three options and leave the day shifting unchecked) to make sure they are in proper FSX format.

Cheers, Holger

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I have an installation problem.

Only the FTXAI_TRAFFIC appears in my fsx > settings > scenery library

What do I do, There must have been something wrong with the installer.

Nothing wrong with that B.F.,

the traffic files are bgl files wich are readable by the scenery /traffic parts within fsX, that Aircraft are/ should be in their respective folder see the following :

attached a few screenies how it looks at this end, you'll see a number of files wich you wil not have a but that's my setup beeing a Beta tester for FTX

Contents of the Orbx folder.

Posted Image

=>fullsize screenshot

note the folders :

.... Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\FTX_AU\FTXAI_AIRCRAFT


....\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\FTX_AU\FTXAI_TRAFFIC

those should be there, of wich you need to manually ACTIVATE the FTXAI_TRAFFIC in your scenery control panel of fsX, see the last screenshot, look for entry 6 in the Scenery Library panel in this screenshot

the contents of the Scripts folder.

Posted Image

=>fullsize screenshot

you should have there:




fsX cfg file, (C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Microsoft\FSX) check if the entry has been made in the [main] section:

Posted Image

=>fullsize screenshot


User Objects=Airplane, Helicopter








this should be the contents of your ...... \Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Scenery\World\Scenery folder

Posted Image

=>fullsize screenshot

the scenery control panel of fsX look at entry #6

Posted Image

=>fullsize screenshot

I hope this wil clarify things for you :)

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Rimshot, that seems odd about those default GA flightplans. What you could do though is to run them through bglfpfsxconvert.exe (check the first three options and leave the day shifting unchecked) to make sure they are in proper FSX format.

Holger, you're the man  8);D Your suggestion did the trick. Thanks!

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After reading this topic intensively , printing and studying , I decided to uninstall and start over .

Success and happiness came in the same wave .

However traffic population at YSSY seems to be rather sparse .

Also , there are some International 747's at the Domestic terminal and some Virgin Blue aircraft at the International terminal .

FSX  / FTX Blue and Gold / FTX-AI run very smoothly for me at 25fps with almost all sliders at the high end .

The above anomalies don't bother me too much . But is there an easy correction ?


Cronulla .

Blue #4210

Gold #6238

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  • 1 year later...

Hey all!

Sorry to get this "old" topic out the dust.

But I can't get GA traffic.

Since I installed everything from ORBX on my pc (patches and updates included),

As described below I have everything in the right folders and places so I had a look to my FSX.cfg file in the main section as described below















User Objects=Airplane, Helicopter



the question is this, can I change this line in the main FSX,cfg folder


in the main FSX.cfg folder, to this


without any harm?

Is there another way around this?

I am a bit relucant to change that line because I fly on IVAO and don't want to loose all those IVAO_MTL entries...

I have also FSX GA-Traffic installed, but that doesn't give no more GA traffic (probably another different topic.

All help welcome!



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Hi Hans,

just add the line to your fsX cfg file as follows :









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Hi Wolter,

I would very much like to visit the famous FSdays in het Aviodrome in Lelystad!

But I am in Paris those days (work related).

Anyhow will schedule it for next year.

Can I PM you about a new system I would like to build?

I would very much appreciate your advice about that.

Or is it wiser to post that in the Windows 7 RC subfolder?

Thanks a lot!


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