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Trying to land 767 at Concrete.

Iain Emms

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Well then chaps after many tries and failed attempts i might add i got her down but it took a good two hours of trying i might add a difficult one this but i was asked if i had landed the 767 here so had to give it a go bearly any throttle on the point of stalling i think :D

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Too fast this time keep going Emmsie.

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Turned around and tried again...............No chance.

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Not this time to far down the runway to stop .....off again.

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Finally after two hours or so just managed to hit the runway at the begaining and come to a stop right at the end of it

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I think i need new tyres and brakes now ........and oh yes some new under pants.

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Yes it was a hard one this i fell out of the sky a good number of times through going to slow and was on the point of giving up trying this i dont even know if i could do it again and wont be trying i might add back to the normal flying now i promise. The crazy Englishman has finished his exploits.



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Great admiration to your 2hours attemt to bring this big bird safe to the soil of Concrete, congratulations with the final successful landing, I suppose

that every crewmember and possible passenger(s) have sweat-out a couple of pounds and now drinking a strong liquid at the local bar(s)... :-)

Waiting for a new challenging try on this or simular airstrip to airborn or land an unusual plane for it.

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Wow Iain, you must have had a completely empty plane with minimal fuel eh? That was great. I managed to get the ifly BBJ into orcas with about ~20 ft. to spare. Well done Captain! ;)

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