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mesh resolution

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Hi ,was wondering , does different setting of the mesh resolution cause mesh issues such as elevation

eg. at ymlt if i have setting of 10m then it seems normal , but say at 5m, 2m, 1m the gold coloured car parked sort of on its own behind the white hangar with the qantas logo, the area right next to it on its left becomes elevated and the car becomes submerged

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Yes mate, different settings can cause anomalies,I know that a resolution of two can create bumps is fairly level surfaces,and make some items appear to be above the ground, depending on the settings when they were placed, A setting of five is about acceptable for most sceneries though ten seems to be the norm. I don't believe there is anywhere in the sim world at level 1 and very little at level 2. Teecee.

Ps. I was going to post a screenie, but for the life of me I can't find the way to do it in the new forum format.. can someone advise me please?.

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In Australia as a general rule 10m is the recommended setting, as this displays the sand dunes the best (they start to get sharp at 5-2-1m settings) and the mesh is only 76m for Australia after all, so all you are affecting is the custom mesh objects like the sand dunes

Of course once you start using the ORBX Australian payware airports where you have hi-res custom mesh, then its recommended to refer to airport manual, 5m seems to be the sweet setting, but at the same time I still happily use 10m worldwide with no issues

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  • 2 weeks later...


In Australia as a general rule 10m is the recommended setting, as this displays the sand dunes the best (they start to get sharp at 5-2-1m settings)

Hi Tim,

I don't understand what you mean, Tim. You say 10m displays the dunes best. Why is this better than having sharp dunes?

Cheers, Wolfgang

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Due to how the dunes are implemented really, here is a couple of shots I took during early beta testing of AU_Red that should explain better

shots taken at 10m, 5m, and 1m mesh settings, and as you can see 10m displays them as they should look, 5m is still ok but a little sharp, and 1m is just..wrong




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