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RAAF Heavy departure from YMLT


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Thanks to ARNZ and Jon Murchison for fictional RAAF repaint.

Awesome looking bird and visually a pleasure to fly for those special missions..


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[img width=1120 height=700]http://fsfiles.org/flightsimshots/images/541RAAF747_2.jpg

[img width=1120 height=700]http://fsfiles.org/flightsimshots/images/445RAAF747_3.jpg

[img width=1120 height=700]http://fsfiles.org/flightsimshots/images/188RAAF747_4.jpg

[img width=1120 height=700]http://fsfiles.org/flightsimshots/images/659RAAF747_5.jpg

[img width=1120 height=700]http://fsfiles.org/flightsimshots/images/459RAAF747_6.jpg

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Didn't realize the RAAF had a 747, or is that fictional. Yep - its fictional  ;D

And yea I wonder when you guys and NZ will drop the 'Royal'.....Canada got rid of the RCAF back in 1968, three years after they adopted the new flag dumping the old one with the Union Jack.

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(B744 needs 3300m for t/o, and 2130m for landing. Launceston is 1981m only). ;)

Not really. It all depends on takeoff/landing weight and atmospheric conditions. 747's operate regulary from runways shorther than 2000m in real life :)

I've seen 747 getting airborne in about 1500m a couple of times and doing 1300 nm trip.

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