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me & my airtractor


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Hi Skudda

Yesterday I was looking through the cfg file for the tractor and noticed that the settings for A2A 3d lighting is already included in the fire tractor cfg. All that is needed is to add the line into the panel.cfg. You could also use the same cfg for the float plane with a few adjustments. I have already converted this to an AI plane in FSX-GA Traffic and it works beautifully.

Ken  :) 

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Looks beautiful to me but as they say - beauty is in the eyes of the beerholder ! 

Funny thing , I dl the wheeled version and , in the aircraft selection panel , it came up as a skeleton and the cabin view showed black "textures on the wings , so I removed it :)

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Funny thing , I dl the wheeled version and , in the aircraft selection panel , it came up as a skeleton and the cabin view showed black "textures on the wings , so I removed it

I had this experience on one PC, but not on my proper FSX PC. I also had to copy one of the texture bitmaps from the amphib version to the wheeled version's texture folder to get the tail (and I think under-wing) textures. Now it looks great!

I made a video, but it's not set in Orbx-land, so I can't post it here ;)

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Krono wrote

You could also use the same cfg for the float plane with a few adjustments. I have already converted this to an AI plane in FSX-GA Traffic and it works beautifully.

Thanks....I will try..hope to do it well!

Alan2 wrote

I dl the wheeled version and , in the aircraft selection panel , it came up as a skeleton and the cabin view showed black "textures on the wings , so I removed it

Erhh..everything its Ok here...Im going to recheck in every Aircraft selection available

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....so maybe the amphibian is ok ?

Dunno. I think the 'skeleton view' problem is something more subtle than just a missing texture file, so I don't know how to fix that. It may even just be a transient memory issue or something, so fixed with a reboot.

Assuming you sort it out and you want to fix the wheeler's texture, you need to copy the files at_04_T.dds and at_04_T.bmp (not sure if you need both, but does no harm) from the Air Tractor Amphib\texture.EC-KRF folder to Air Tractor Wheeled\texture.

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