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Posted A2A Spit EZCA file to AVSIM


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I just posted my EZDok internal views to AVSIM. Should show up as soon as the mods approve it.

Here are the views. Tweak and share your changes. Note: I don't use Track-IR and I did not make any external views yet. Share yours as CAM files if you have.

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Alex pls pls treat yourself to a TrackIR, I have about 3 views set for within EZCA for a lot of GA's but the spit is so small all you need is the "normal" view. Making all other views void.

I'm only saying this to give you an idea of how good trackir is, best eg for the spit is when a quick look over you shoulder/rear to close the canopy.

TrackIR and EZCA together are a perfect match, you will never regret it Alex ever :)


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What he said ^^^

When I saw the shots I thought 'Buttons to get those views?' TrackIR does it naturally. Want a close look at the dials? Just lean your head forward! Do yourself a game changing favour and treat yourself to TrackIR.

You'll NEVER regret it.

Lovely cockpit though, eh? ;D

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Great captures of a great cockpit - but now i am on my way to ask myself-... go for trackIR? Thanks for these super, super screens here and that fine conversation that went along then!! ... really gonna consider to purchase both now - the Spitfire AND trackIR... after payday though!! ;)

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Ok Ok. I never considered it but I guess I'll have to go for it and suffer my wife's looks.

The file has been posted at AVSIM as: ezca_a2a_spitfire.zip

[update]: Just checked: It's $150 at Amazon (USA). Steep price. I'll have to see how to finagle it.

Saw the TrackIR video in their site. Looks good but how do you zoom? I mean, you move your head slightly and see the side panel or the low switches in front, then how do you zoom to get a closer view? Mouse? TRackIR just handles view movements right?

Are you talking about TrackIR 5? What about TrackClip Pro I see there?

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Saw the TrackIR video in their site. Looks good but how do you zoom? I mean, you move your head slightly and see the side panel or the low switches in front, then how do you zoom to get a closer view? Mouse? TRackIR just handles view movements right?

It's designed to simulate the natural order of things so you "zoom" by leaning forward (i.e. closer to the panel) and hey presto, your view gets closer to the panel! You can also lean, tilt your head, and so forth to look round obstructions like throttle levers and the like. All very intuitive.

This is with the later versions of the TiR which have six degrees of freedom.

What about TrackClip Pro I see there?

This may or may not be a good thing for you. If you regularly use a boom mic it works well, as that's where it attaches, otherwise the normal clip is fine on any baseball cap. Personally I've found the Pro clip a little more solid in difficult lighting (i.e. if you have bright sun on a wall behind you, etc.) but most folk get on just fine with the standard one (as do I, most of the time) so if you're strapped for cash it's probably not a necessity. 

The unit in general is well worth the cost, I can't fly without one and it would come second only to the Joystick in my necessary simming equipment list. That'd be ahead of rudder pedals (a close third), swanky graphics cards, expenditure on add-ons, etc. Flying without one makes me feel like I'm stuck inside a letter-box. The first time you fly a visual circuit with it you'll have a huge grin on your face!

Cheers, Iain

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Thank you Iain (and all). I do use headphones and boom mic.  Sold!

Will let you know how it goes when I get it.

:) good for you :) and post if you need any help.

Personally I find taking out the dead zone a must and adding a little "speed" to zoom is perfect for looking up close to gauger's.

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Question about the upload....

I downloaded and unzipped, all I see are ini files.  I thought I would be seeing .cam files.  IS there something I'm missing or haven't worked out?




Drats! Doesn't it work for you with the inis? If you want cams I can prepare. Send me an email addy through PM and I'll send them to you after work tonight (my time) which will be morning for you.

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