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Carenado C185F - new air files to test!


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If I remember correctly the C185F had been tested and verified by real pilots before it was released.

The airfiles were then modified and updated by different real pilots and a patch (or was it two) was released.

Now they have been modified and updated by a different real world pilot again, this time a different airfile for each model.

Personally, even though I am quite happy with my C185 the way it is I am very much looking forward to testing these when I get home from work, especially the difference between the Tundra and the Amphib etc. In the meantime I'll sit and see what all you other real world pilots think -


(in the DOWNLOAD section under AIRCRAFT FIXES)

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Thanks for this , I have this Carenado.  I haven't tried it yet , I have have some Spitfire manuals to read !  Have you noticed a big improvement ? Maybe a stupid question - I guess it has to be better .  :)

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Tried them. made me feel a lot better than I am. Or maybe I am that good! I went back to the originals.

Take off was almost immediate, landing was child's play and it came to a halt in twice it's own length. (OK, I'm exaggerating....a bit)

Cue someone to come along and say "No, that's just how they are"  ;D

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Yep, same here, I tried them but they turned it into a pussycat.  Hard to believe that a real world C185 pilot says that they are better than the originals  ::)

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Yep, same here, I tried them but they turned it into a pussycat.  Hard to believe that a real world C185 pilot says that they are better than the originals  ::)

Precisely the point of the update.  The original Carenado C185 does not fly anywhere near the real thing.  The updates bring it into the real world.  The Cessna 185 is not a F16 folks it is a pretty basic aircraft and flies like one.  It was designed to be a 'pussy cat' that could haul a good load out of tight places by Cessna.  They wanted it to be as easy to fly as the mission would allow.  The air file updates were tested by real bush pilots who fly the real aircraft and in their opinion it makes Carenado's offering a better plane that flies like the real aircraft.

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Cue someone to come along and say "No, that's just how they are"  ;D

Hahaha, and it happened Ron....  The C185 was patched after real world C185 pilots came along and suggested the initial air files were not correct, after that everyone was happy, but now yet another 'real world pilot' comes along and says 'no, they are not correct'..... anyway, as it has been said earlier, I like it the way it is. and there is a Spitfire waiting out back with my name on it...  ;)

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The new airfiles/configs are by the exact same people that made the earlier mods to the Carenado files, but are built from scratch instead, and are based on a lot more information. One big change is MUCH springier gear on the wheeled versions. I guess no-one has read the forums threads over at Bushpounders site. Apart from bouncing on every landing so far I like them.


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Can't say I have ever heard of the Bushpounders site before.  If it has been redone by the same person who contributed to the patched files then I should give it the benefit of the doubt.  When I have tired of blowing up Merlin engines, I will give them a more serious go.  ;)

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