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Tampa airport closing because of pole shift


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The magnetic poles are always slowly drifting, hardly causes chaos as the drift is slow and predictable.  Nav charts (well, nautical ones anyway - I imagine aeronautical are the same) are marked with the deviations and drift from a set date.  The magnetic poles have reversed many times in the Earth's history.



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Alex:  global warming is more of a concern than anything to do with the drift of the magnetic pole.  The latter is a well-known phenomenon which is reflected on every chart.  You're greatest problem is if someone, usually your instructor puts something beside the magnetic compass in your aircraft, and you don't notice it.  You then adjust your DI and the fun begins.

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It is during the reversal when magnetic navigation will be severely impacted. Here is a NASA page that discusses pole drifts and pole reversal. It is interesting stuff....


or if u are in the mood for some sensationalised bullshit... try this one :P


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Yes I take your point.  However we are rapidly developing navigation infrastructure that could well see us independent of the compass in the not so distance future.

INR and now GPS are doing that, and I am sure other methods of IFR position cross-checking will be well established.

As for runways they could be designated as Blue2 etc rather than by magnetic heading.  But life would be different.  Just think of the apparent precession we would get on our DI when it is really the pole on the move.

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Yeah, but the title is misleading. Tampa is not closing, just repainting signage for new designation (18R to 19R and so on)

Maybe they could use displays instead of paint then ..

"I've landed quite some times on the 19R", "well, not on this 19R".  ;D

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