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Are these framerates for real?


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I have been a member of this forum for the past three months or so and in that time have welcomed all the advice from the members, it really does feel like I'm popping down to the club house for a quick pint and chat to mates! Thanks again everyone for your patience in offering good advice to a newbie. I have posted an earlier thread regarding poor framerates and graphic anomolies, both of which have, more or less, been sorted. However, last night after an hour's flight I decided to drop into Vashon Island, approaching from the south. Straight forward weather from Rex2, fair clouds, the time was dawn in November and I was flying my Carenado 185 Skywagon. My question is, and I'm sorry if I am seen to be labouring this point, it's just that I want to some how put this query to bed. My question is, with my sliders at low (far left) for Autogen and scenery complexity, is it really accetable to be getting only 8-12 frames? All the sliders elsewhere in the control panel are the Orbz suggested settings ie. as outlined in their manual. Is there anyone else with a similar setup to me who can verify and say, "sure, that's to be expected" or "no, something's not right."

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The problem with Vashon is its proximity to Seattle, which does drain the frames so to speak.  However, my system seems to be relatively close to yours and I still get very acceptable frames at Vashon with Autogen set to dense and Scenery Complexity at Extremely Dense (as all FTX should be run as I understand), so yes, a little more tweaking needs to be done mate.

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Hi Rockliffe,

Got the same problem on Vashon and i agree with Archie about Seattle AND Portland areas proximity. Thoses two big urban areas give me lots of lag, but not as Manhattan X can do (unbeatable !).

Didi you try the tweak i gave on another topic ? I mean the tweak not to have the memory error message... It has saved my computer from burning hell flames  ;D

It is still difficult for me to join Vashon but when i go to Concrète, Walter Sutton or Israel Farms, i do not get low framerate anymore... And when i got less fps, it is still flyable...

you can try and even if it does not work, you can return back...

1. Open a command prompt with Administration rights. You find the command prompt box under "Programs-Accessories-Command prompt" 

2. Right Click the command prompt and select "run as administrator".

3. Enter in the box at the prompt: (copy/paste if you wish)

bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVA 2560 

and press enter

4. Reboot

TO set that back to default in VISTA just start the command line prompt with Admin right again and type:

bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVA 2048

Hit enter and reboot"

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I can definitely say that's not right. Simply because I get those frame rates.

"Oh" I hear you say, "it can't be that bad if someone else is getting those frame rates." Take a look at my specs in my sig. They are way below yours, and if I can get those frame rates, then you should be getting much more than me. Considering my sliders are at:

Scenery Complexity - MAX

Autogen - Normal

and all other sliders up in the higher bracket. (Mesh resolution, Draw distance etc.).

This has been discussed many times, but the thing that stuck in my head throughout everything I've read, and made a lot of sense, was this:

Turning sliders down doesn't always give you better performance. FSX, or rather the CPU still calculates where to put scenery items (autogen) even if you've told it not to display them (by turning down sliders). It still has to calculates where to put the items, so it doesn't put trees in buildings etc, and then doesn't draw them. So it's still using resources even though it isn't showing the results. Sometimes it's quicker for the CPU to just display them in the first place. Or put another way, it does put them in place, and then it says, "oh that's too many, better take some away", and doesn't draw them on the screen.

For me, the autogen slider is my bane, or sweet spot. I can leave all the other sliders where I put them ages ago, and just move the autogen to get better FPS in dense scenery. Don't get me wrong, I have tweaked the FSX.cfg, but simply because I don't have enough power to use the autogen as is standard. I set it to use max trees lower than standard, and buildings too. The CPU doesn't have to calculate as many items in the first place. My frame rates are not good by any means, but for my specs, I think they are well adequate.

I can't tell how to set up your PC, all I can say is the information is out there. I've no doubt that even advice specific to your hardware can be found with a google search. To solve this problem, I'm afraid you're going to have to do a little leg work.

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This one Rockliffe :

1. Open a command prompt with Administration rights. You find the command prompt box under "Programs-Accessories-Command prompt" 

2. Right Click the command prompt and select "run as administrator".

3. Enter in the box at the prompt: (copy/paste if you wish)

bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVA 2560 

and press enter

4. Reboot

TO set that back to default in VISTA just start the command line prompt with Admin right again and type:

bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVA 2048

Hit enter and reboot"

Same way for Win 7...  Doesn't work with winXP...

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amentiba: I think he wants to know what your tweak does. Not how to do it.  And is your tweak even worth it on win 7? I know i had lots of problems on vista with memory usage but havn't had any since the upgrade to win 7.

Sorry, misunderstanding...

So, the tweak will increase the memory stock available for FSX and then lock the "memory error" that happens sometimes and crash FSX; On my computer it has increase the framerate on heavy areas...

And it works for Win 7 (working on my own Win 7 32bts)

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key word...32 bit...he's running 64 bit so he shouldn't have any problems accessing memory.  I'm no expert...that's just how I thought it worked.

Haven't see his specs before; it seems that he 's got a better pc than mine, so i really do not understand why he stays at 8-10 fps...

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If you can put up with the look of it, turn the Vsync off, I get a 10fps hit when I have it on (windowed and full screen) I'm on a E8500 overclocked at 3.6 8800gt card and 4 Gig of 800 sticks, and unlimited framerate, a few tweaks with FTX Go and I'm getting 45+ fps with Carenado aircraft, settings are at medium which is the best I can do on my system, also I have AA settings at application controlled, it isn't the prettiest picture compared to the screen shots I have seen in the forum and when I up-grade I'm sure I'll see big gains but for the moment it's smooth enough for me, also listen to the hard-drive when simming and make sure it isn't going crazy looking for files all the time which could mean a little organizing on your system is needed  :)

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off topic...what does vsync do?

Maybe dl CPUZ and see what speed your processor is running at.  my computer has a thing called speed step in the bios and it was reducing my clock speed in half and wouldn't let it go any faster...disabled it and now i get full power all the time.

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This is a good explanation of vSync http://www.nhancer.com/?dat=d_enhancements#VSync!

Important:   Someone keeps recommending this tweak: "bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVA 2560"

This will only work in a 32-bit OS.  (maybe) :)

It will not and cannot work in a 64-bit OS  :)

Recommending and using it with a 64-bit OS shows a lack of understanding as to how FSX functions in relation to the Virtual Address Space. :D



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Important:   Someone keeps recommending this tweak: "bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVA 2560"

This will only work in a 32-bit OS.  (maybe) :)

It will not and cannot work in a 64-bit OS  :)

Recommending and using it with a 64-bit OS shows a lack of understanding as to how FSX functions in relation to the Virtual Address Space. :D



Yeah...what he said
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And even for 32-bit systems, you have to be careful what value you use.  32-bit systems can only address 4gb of ram.  This is split evenly between kernel mode and user mode.  If you have more ram on your system (many do) you can set aside more for user mode with this switch.  Or even if you don't have more, you can do this.  But you have to be careful that you don't starve the kernel.  Setting aside too much can mean the OS won't operate.  Setting the value to 2560 would add about 500mb to user mode, which would help some, I guess, but I doubt it would help much.  If you're memory starved in this scenery at 2 gb, then you're going to be still pretty memory hungry at 2.5. 

64-bit systems, of course, can access more than 4 gb of memory, and handle kernel and user modes differently, so this switch won't help anything, as Peter says.

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