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FTX - Northern Rocky Mountains - RTM-A - Part:2 (16pic)

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Hi Tony, yes your quite right, I have become lost myself on a more than a few occasions, and if I'm correct this region is approximately 570,000 square kilometres in size, so when coupled up with PNW: 332,000square kilometres and PFJ: 305,000 square kilometres.... we are looking at 1.2 million square kilometres of paradise ;D

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I am really looking forward to this product as I was thrilled to see PNW.  After decades of seeing some of the same areas of the world get repeated attention in MSFS, it is wonderful to see the area I am most familiar with given some justice.

Recently I did a three week road trip to the BC coast, this time taking time to enjoy the trip out as well as the trip back.  A couple highlights were taking a float plane tour out of Tofino, a helicopter tour over the Kokanee glacier out of Nelson and being all alone at Pavillion Lake in what felt like a set from Friday the 13th.  For fun I recently started "reliving" this road trip in FSX, writing a journal of events combining it with FSX screen captures  and photos from the real trip.  This was where I had my first virtual flight through PNW when I  was flying from Lillooet to Pemberton.  I remember the scenery drastically changing and my jaw dropped while crossing the point where the PNW scenery began. 

Keep up the good work.

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