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Correct CPU useage?


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Hi Wolter, sure that's what I've been thinking for ages.... I've been running a thread here for over a week trying to get to the bottom of poor framerates and stutters (see elsewhere in forum) I'm getting very frustrated as all I want to do is fly! I'm afraid I am not a techie or computer whiz kid like a lot of guys on the forum. I know how to clean drives, install programs, drivers  etc etc, but getting into the nitty gritty of FSX... I'm afraid I am still learning, so forgive me if I do not understand everything... can you bear with me? Can you humour me.... how do I

check FrontSideBus speed of the CPU matches the RAM speed

Windows 7 64bit

i7 950 @ 3.05

Gigabyte GA-EX58-UD3R

Onboard Realtek audio

Corsair 650

Asus (Radeon) 5850 GPU

6Gb RAM (3x2 sticks)

Maxtor 500GB HD in removeable caddy

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how do I check FrontSideBus speed of the CPU matches the RAM speed

by entering the BIOS menu when you start up the puter, the first screen that comes up you should hit "del" or "F10" or somthing similar,

as I don't know your MoBo, that info should be available within your Manual.

and reading about it also helps a wee bit, just google for it and you'd be amazed as to what comes up on info about it ;)

and please don't misunderstand that I'm not willing to help you, on the contrary, but when you have done some reading about the theme your insight will be better and hence makes it easyer for you to understand that "mumbo jumbo" lingo we use for it all around these parts :)

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It will be a lot easyer if you can take  pics of your bios or a template of it with all your settings.

Can you run CPU-Z and take a screen shot of it including CPU memory and SPD....it's kinda hard to fix a problem without knowing what setting you have in your bios......

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Thank Alain, as information, the task manager is showing anything form  18 - 30% CPU useage and occasionally up to about 45% with about 2.67gb  memory useage. Does this sound wrong?

I have downloaded CPU-Z, I now have to figure out how to use it.... oh, something I think is quite odd, it doesn't matter how small a window on the desktop I make out of FSX while flying, it doesn't make any difference to the framerate...

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