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Nothing but stutters....


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First let me thank those of you who have offered so much advice over the past week regarding poor frame rates, as a newbie I am very grateful. However, I was probably so intent on the issue of framerates that I overlooked an issue which is causing me as much heartache, and that's stutters. After following advice on this forum I have got to a point where I am resigned to the average perfomance I'm getting in FSX, as I feel based on previous experience with a GT 9600 Nvidia, something is just not right. So, after uninstalling the Radeon 5850 Driver, rebooting in safe mode, doing a driver clean, rebooting and reinstalling the correct driver, I am plagued by terrible stutters. There is also, what can only be described as a type of 'wave' that falls down the screen if I move the exterior camera about. The framerates seem to be pretty acceptable, although I have detail and autogen set on normal, but the stutters are something I cannot cure, even when I move all the sliders to the left!! Is there something I can do that will cure this? Is it a known issue with the 5850 card? The irony is, is that I have just upgraded to Windows 7 believing that FSX would be very smooth etc etc.... maybe I should just throw the towel in and go back to a cheap Nvidia card... at least the framreates were smooth. Any advice gratefully received.... from a newbie!

Windows 7 64bit

i7 950 @ 3.05

Gigabyte GA-EX58-UD3R

Onboard Realtek audio

Corsair 650

Asus (Radeon) 5850 GPU

6Gb RAM (3x2 sticks)

Maxtor 500GB HD

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This sounds like effects I've had when the Windows driver is being used.  You're absolutely certain that the Radeon drivers are set up properly and being used by the card?

Have you done all the settings for antialiasing etc as well?  Sometimes it helps to set max frame rates to 30 so that fps spikes are limited.

Another possibility is conflict in the system somewhere, but that's unlikley in today's mbs and operating systems.

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Hi John, thanks for the reply. You know, I can't help thinking the same re the Windows driver. But how can it be? I've done a proper uninstall and deleted any spurious drivers with a clean driver program in safe mode and then installed the latest driver and catalyst centre from AMD?

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