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poor framerates and graphical anomoly


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ORDER no: FSS0078069

First let me congratulate the guys at Orbx for such a fantastic product as PNW. i love flying the areas and all the smaller add-on airports. I have just upgraded my operating system to Windows 7, with 6Gb RAM and a Radeon 5850 1Gb graphics card. Two problems, the first is I am getting appalling frame rates and second some disturbing graphical anomolies. While sat at Seattle airport, with

all the sliders set at 50%, I am seeing framerates of about 16. My question is, is anyone else seeing this or do I have an intrinsic problem. I cannot get to the bottom of this. Reinstallation, up to date drivers and service packs, not sure what to do. As I mentioned, I have attached a pic of the strange graphical anomolies that can be seen at Walter Sutton's airstrip. (sorry spent ten minutes trying to decipher how to add an image with no result. Shame it seems to be so unintuitive) There are strange rectangles laying beneath the grass alongside the airstrip, all interlinked with each other!!!! Can anyone shed some light on this very frustrating situation please, thanks guys....

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I think a picture would really help. A more detailed description for "all the sliders set at 50%" too.  :)

You can use any free image hoster service I think.

You won't get enormous framerates around Seattle because it's a very dense area and PNW renders this density at high levels.

The beta autogen patch might help here. It's around the forums.

16fps are quite low, I agree. What kind of CPU are you using? The suggested settings in the manual might help on the FSX sliders then.

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Oops, sorry I forgot to include my specs. Sure, I think the framerates are unusually low to say the least 

Windows 7 64 bit, i7 950 @ 3.05, Gigabyte GA -EX58-UD3R motherboard, Corsair 650W PU, 6Gb RAM (2x3 sticks) Asus 58501Gb GPU, 2x HDs OS on Maxtor and FSX on separate Samsung. OS is interchangeable with my office OS via a Serial ATA removable caddy (300 Mbytes/secs

Here's the rather strange graphical anomoly (hope it's there)

Posted Image

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Good system of course, not top notch like the 4GHz+ guys but absolutely sufficient.

Did you try some of those recommended settings from the manual and maybe the beta patch for PNW to enhance the autogen performance? http://orbxsystems.com/forums/index.php?board=141.0

For the images use e. g. Imageshack, it's free and delivers you the correct link values to just copy and paste into forums like this. This works in most cases.

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Those anomolies are fixed by installing the latest ORBXLIBS. Although hold off for a few minutes, because I'm just about to publish the latest 101104 version shortly.

As for Seattle, perhaps set Scenery Density to Dense (one notch back), because the dock cranes at the port of Seattle really cause FPS to bomb. Also set your autogen to Normal at KSEA, because the autogen is just too dense for most PCs.

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Thanks for the info on the fix. John sorry to ask you personally, but i have been tackling this low framerate business for the best part of a week now. One question, I have FSX on one drive and then Windows7 on another... is this right?

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I have attached a pic of the strange graphical anomolies that can be seen at Walter Sutton's airstrip. (sorry spent ten minutes trying to decipher how to add an image with no result. Shame it seems to be so unintuitive) There are strange rectangles laying beneath the grass alongside the airstrip, all interlinked with each other!!!! Can anyone shed some light on this very frustrating situation please, thanks guys....

Ground scenery shadows should be un-checked.


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Thanks Tim, but I thought the idea of ground shadows was to add realism? I will try your suggestion shortly, thanks....

Sadly, not the way ACES implemented them in FSX:  Black blocky things that kill frames.

Shadows only work for manifold 3D objects ... and not well, at that.

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Separate drives is recommended.

You should concider overclocking. I got the same cpu on a UD5, and overclocking hasn't been that easy for a long time. I'm running almost 4 GHz on stock voltage. 

If you require some assistance make a post in the tech section.


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Thanks everyone for your help and input. The biggest surprise was unticking the ground shadows box, I couldn'e believe what a devastating effect it has on framerates. I'm getting about 50% more! Honestly. However, I still need to install FSX on the OS drive, not because I don't believe it should be on a separate drive, it's just that because I have a replaceable caddy with the drive in, I can't help thinking this is not a good setup. In the progress of doing just that as I write.........

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