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How long are your FSX/FTX/PNW sessions?


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Haven't seen this asked before, but Ive always wanted to know how long you guys spend on your 'puters at a stretch indulging in our favorite hobby?

I'm reminded of the Korean kid dying in front of his monitor after a marathon stint of WoW! Hope nobody fits into this category?!

Personally, I am a low and slow flyer who is basically a site seeing tourist - so I can typically, for example, have a 20min session flying around Melbourne or elsewhere admiring the view and testing my landing/talke off skills in the Cat.

I'll eventually explore all of Oz and PNW in 20 - 30min sessions. (If I live that long!).

At the other extreme do any of you tube flyers do real time flights from Oz to the US for example???!!

Longest time at one sitting anybody?


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Up until a month or so ago I used to fly anything from 1 to 5 hours, 7 days a week. Make that up to 6 hours on occasion. That was anything from testing a new airfield, to a new plane/Heli. Or flying with friends on a pre determined tour for 5 hours or so. During which we'd fly from airstrip to airstrip, taking in the sights, maybe five strips a day, or two depending on distance.

I haven't flown for a month or so because of ISP problems, but got back into it again today. Intend to get back to maybe 4 hours a day? Doubt I'll do more than that though. Tried flying on my own, and to be honest, I don't really like it unless I'm just testing, or practicing Helicopter work.

Never done any long haul flights, don't like big jets (737's 747's etc), and hate auto pilots. Strictly VFR free flight, with occasional IFR.

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Haven't seen this asked before, but Ive always wanted to know how long you guys spend on your 'puters at a stretch indulging in our favorite hobby?

I'm reminded of the Korean kid dying in front of his monitor after a marathon stint of WoW! Hope nobody fits into this category?!

Personally, I am a low and slow flyer who is basically a site seeing tourist - so I can typically, for example, have a 20min session flying around Melbourne or elsewhere admiring the view and testing my landing/talke off skills in the Cat.

I'll eventually explore all of Oz and PNW in 20 - 30min sessions. (If I live that long!).

At the other extreme do any of you tube flyers do real time flights from Oz to the US for example???!!

Longest time at one sitting anybody?


Hendrik, there was a very similar thread about this 1 to 2 months ago. It ran for quite a bit too. Here is the link:



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Guest SovietAviator

During the summer I would fly on FSX whenever I could. Usually spending 1-3 hours a day 7 days a week. Now that school has started back up, and my homework flow has been getting up to speed. I see myself mybe doing some traffic pattern circuits or short scenic VFR flights in a 152 or 172 for half an hour to an hour a day mybe 3 to 4 days a week, and mybe on the weekends I could do a short IFR flight for 1-3 hours.

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Apologies - my search didn't come up with that thread......(I've been an infrequent visitor over our summer)


No problem Hendrik, I had trouble finding that thread again myself. Which is why I posted a link to it here so you could check it out without having to search for it ;)

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I never actually fly for more than an hour and a half.Ā  But having done my exercise in the mornings, I spend most afternoons on the computer and if its not FSX its photography.

Its great being retired.Ā  Shame its got to come to an end sometime really. ;DĀ  I'm enjoying it!


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I usually like flights around about 40 minutes; I don't have a lot of free time and I do have a family!

But since flying around FTX PNW I have found that the time has crept up to an hour or maybe even 90 minutes - I just keep seeing stuff I want to go look at.Ā  I fly a lot in the b206 so that I can go slow so I am not covering a lot of miles in one session.Ā  Today I saw a mountain off in the distance and headed off for a closer look only to realise it was Mt St. Helens (I am not familiar at all with WA), so I had great fun taking the 206 over the top of that one and taking in the view of the surrounding area.Ā  I have never enjoyed either FSX or VFR simming as much as I have since getting Tongas X and FTX PNW installed!

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I usually fly around my local area but i have done some tours around the south west WA region. Taking in the sights. I hope one day to go west to east but it will probably be in stages. I too have a family and what with work there just is'nt enough time to fully indulge myself. So i suppose its usually about an hour, maybe less if i'm messing around with settings and adjustments ::) Getting paranoid that its not running like it use to ;D


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Thanks for the replies - despite my missing the earlier thread!

LikeĀ  JohnY I'm also retired (almost a year now :o Trouble is I've taken up more hobbies as a result - modelling WWI planes, ebook reading, cycling - and I seem to have even less time.

Like others I pretty well stick to PNW/Oz + REX - everything else pales into inginificance, apart from maybe a few Aerosoft cites (London, Manhatten, New Orleans etc).

When I think of the amount of money I spent on VFR England, Germany, VFR France etc etc ???

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About an hour here and there. I have the FTX Blue and seem to enjoy the Bush Flying with singles and twin. IFR I like King Air (Turbine) since you need a strong twin to get over the 10,000. with authority or your simply dead in B.C. Good weather VFR I like the 206 as well and the Caravan Turbo. The Maule is a sweety for short hops now and again.

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I usually only get 1 day a week to fly and I usually do 3 or 4 one hour flights. I live in Toronto so I would do a PNW flight in the afternoon as I like to fly in real time with real weather. Later in the evening I will fly Australia when the sun goes up over there.

I do both VFR and IFR as I like to switch it up a bit and I prefer daylight flights so I can see the scenery and REX effects.

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