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carenado caravan is out first thoughts?


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Just picked it up I think they are going to pull the same stunt they did with the 185 and put out sk,i tundra tyre, and floats versions later..... sure is nice inside compared to the default,.. flight dynamics  ? first thoughts anyone

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Just picked it up I think they are going to pull the same stunt they did with the 185 and put out sk,i tundra tyre, and floats versions later

I doubt it. First of all, as mentionend several time in the 208 main thread, the Caranado bird is the bigger Grand Caravan and not the regular Caravan. There is no Grand Caravan in existence that has floats/amphibian gear. I also didn't find anything about Grand Caravans with tundra tires and neither have I found any evidene of a Grand Caravan with skis.

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.....Caranado bird is the bigger Grand Caravan and not the regular Caravan. There is no Grand Caravan in existence that has floats/amphibian gear. I also didn't find anything about Grand Caravans with tundra tires and neither have I found any evidene of a Grand Caravan with skis.

Jake, are you listening?  ;D

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I'm really enjoying the Grand Caravan but it would be awesome if they developed a 675 Amphib, Tundra, and Ski model using the GC as a base model. Of course the VC would have to change quite a bit (less flashy and more bush like), and the external model would need to be shortened a few feet to make it like the 675, but it would be great to have for PNW backcountry flights. :)

BTW, does anyone else seem to have a prop pitch lever that seemingly only has two positions? I understand that prop pitch plays a slightly different role with a turboprop, but mine only seems to have a feathered and full-speed ahead position regarding the FDX (especially on the ground).

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If they decide to put out xtra versions , whether they exist in reality or not, ...or just the regular caravan with floats,I will buy it because lets face it what you get for the price is outstanding. I did not have too much time to fly it last night but what little I did put a smile on my face 10 miles wide! :o

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Just picked it up I think they are going to pull the same stunt they did with the 185 and put out sk,i tundra tyre, and floats versions later..... sure is nice inside compared to the default,.. flight dynamics  ? first thoughts anyone

I hope you are correct but, in the Cessna world this one never had floats.  Just the standard Caravan, not the Grand.


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I'd be fine with an amphib/float model, but they're gonna crush me if they don't do a Cargomaster version. THAT is the Caravan I've been waiting for... and now I continue to wait. In the meantime, this one is fun for hauling people.

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I'd be fine with an amphib/float model, but they're gonna crush me if they don't do a Cargomaster version. THAT is the Caravan I've been waiting for... and now I continue to wait. In the meantime, this one is fun for hauling people.

Bill, you can always just paint over the windows for your FedEx version.  Heck the folks on the ground won't know the difference and you can't see it while flying so why wait.  They fly the same, I think.

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Guest bliksimpie

I'd be fine with an amphib/float model, but they're gonna crush me if they don't do a Cargomaster version. THAT is the Caravan I've been waiting for... and now I continue to wait. In the meantime, this one is fun for hauling people.

Bill, you can always just paint over the windows for your FedEx version.  Heck the folks on the ground won't know the difference and you can't see it while flying so why wait.  They fly the same, I think.


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I'm with Bill on the cargo version, big fan of AirHauler and the Caravan is perfect for cargo hauling in PNW, about time we had a 'bona fide' cargo model  :)

I'm surpised they did not have the option to remove all the seats from the control panel rather than just reducing the number of seats.

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Well I have to say that when I first installed the Caravan and went for an intial quick flight I was a little under-whelmed feeling the flight model seemed a little odd.

However, having just spent an hour or so flying with Patrick online this evening I have to say I REALLY like this bird, I still think there maybe some subtle quirks with the flight model, but they really are slight and nothing to really ruin the experience. Certainly once on the move at cruising speeds it flies just great, very stable and a pleasure to fly in formation without constant corrections required.

We have noticed one small bug though, namely the the prop appears to be feathered at all times regardless of the prop setting, overall though a great plane and definately worthy of the hanger space. No doubt Carenado will release a patch to fix any missed problems or tweaks, but there's no show-stoppers.  :D

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I'm surpised they did not have the option to remove all the seats from the control panel rather than just reducing the number of seats.

An optimist might say that's evidence that they're working on a cargo model. I sure hope so, anyway.

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