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Library Question


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Has anyone tried creating libraries for different categories of products purchased from Orbx?   Was thinking of creating distinct libraries for aircraft, airports, cities, vessel, and other.  Is there any reason not to?  Can I just copy the files from the Main Library to the library folders for each category?

Edited by MJChernis
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as far as I am aware, there is no limit to the number of Orbx Central Libraries and they can of course all be given names of your choice.
As long as you are copying intact folders from one library to another library, Orbx Central will continue to see them.
The file structures must not be disturbed.

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5 hours ago, bvdboomen said:

I have done this and it works great.

Using libraries in Orbx Central is the way to keep add-ons physically outside the Community folder and then link them with Add-on linker.


Thanks.  That is exactly what I'm trying to do.  Will give it a shot.

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6 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:

As long as you are copying intact folders from one library to another library, Orbx Central will continue to see them.
The file structures must not be disturbed.


Do you know which part of the directory structure needs to be preserved?  Does EACH separate library need the MSFS sub-directory?   And, does each folder need to be double nested?  Right now, I have:


D:\Orbx\MSFS\Vessels Enhanced AI\Community\Seafront-Livingworld-Vessels-ai


Not sure if you need all that nesting or you can simply have a library called Vessels with a directory structure of D:\Vessels\Seafront-Livingworld-Vessels-ai which is linked to community.


Thanks in advance.


Edited by MJChernis
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14 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:

You will need D:\Orbx\MSFS and then copy each product folder intact into that.


Not sure I follow.  The plan was to create a couple of separate libraries.   One for aircraft, airports, vessels, etc.   Not sure I could do that if they all needed D:\Orbx\MSFS to be the root.  


Will the following work:






And, I'd put the product folders inside of those?  Do I need the MSFS?


Edited by MJChernis
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