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Can I remove some unwanted Trees


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Hi all


Not sure if this is the right location for this topic. I have built a little Helicopter base what I could also use as a fixed wing base. I have 4 trees that span across the area I want to use as grass stip. Is there a method of removing the trees using a scenery exclude file or something on those lines.






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Thanks, Smudger


Having a play with ADE great tool, but it would remove these trees in the red area. These trees are obviously Orbx and not autogen trees   

The second image is the airfield in ADE and the yellow is the location of the trees I am trying to remove 








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Hello Rhys

In the Terrain Polygons box, select the 5th one down, Flatten Mask Class Map Exclude Autogen, should be sufficient to remove the trees.

Judging by the picture with trees, the ground is not flat or even, move your aircraft to different positions and check the altitude and then figure an average for the area.

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Hi Thanks for the replies 



Does this mean, you have built yout helicopter base within an Orbx scenery?

I have used Object placement tool to place buildings within  Orbx scenery 


Hi Smudger Selected the Flatten Mask Class Map Exclude Autogen   But still no luck. I can't seem to locate the SHP2VEC compiler  in my FSX folders could that be the issue?





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16 hours ago, Rhys01 said:

I can't seem to locate the SHP2VEC compiler  in my FSX folders

Hello Rhys

Assuming that you have installed the FSX SDK from Disk1 Deluxe, and the update from Acceleration Disk if you have FSX Gold = C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X SDK\SDK = Shp2Vec can be found in folder: SDK\Environment Kit\Terrain SDK\

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Hi Smudger


Thank you for all you help. Downloaded the recommended SDK for FSX se placed the missing files into the terrain folder but still no luck. Tried to place a windsock on my airfield to see it that would work but no good. I am able to do somethings in ADE like add helipad but stump on this issue.

Really appreciate all your help you have given me 






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Hello Rhys

You should not have to place the files in a specific folder, once you have installed the SDK then you need to locate the

? - Microsoft Games - Microsoft Flight Simulator X SDK - Environment Kit and in ADE - Options point to the relevant folders.

I would assume a helipad would be created like a parking bay, but never having placed one I am not certain.

An excellent place for help and advice is the FSDeveloper site and there are plenty of ADE tutorials on the web.


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