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Emmsies problems.

Iain Emms

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Thank you all for the comments on the problems im having at the moment, It goes like this i power up then the Motherboard all lights up the fans all start to spin the Dvd and Cd drives all whirl then the Gigabyte screen comes on but before i can open up the Bios it shuts down, The Raptor drives dont make a noise so its not loading windows now if i can get into the Bios im sure i can have a look at the boot menu and im sure i can get it up and running another thing is when i take all the Ram out the Motherboard all lights up the fans all run the Dvd and Cd drives all spin but the raptors dont make a sound the Motherboard does not shut down could this be an overclock problem of which if i get into the Bios i can also change, At the moment ive taken out the battery to try and clear the Cmos and will have a look again after work. Any thought more than wellcome.



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Removing the CMOS Battery, or using the CMOS Clear Jumper (the preferred method) will reset your BIOS and clear any overclocked settings.

Try using only one stick of RAM at a time in DIMM1, and if you still can't get into your BIOS, try a stick of RAM in DIMM2. If it was indeed a bad stick of RAM, then this will allow you into your BIOS and eventually Windows.

As you have found, the motherboard will not boot without RAM. The CPU requires RAM in order to function. The symptoms you have point to a bad stick of RAM or bad overclock, just like you said.

When you are in the BIOS, look for an option titled something similar to "Show Logo at Bootup" or "Show Fullscreen Logo" and disable it. This will allow you to see the initial POST checks of the motherboard as it is booting up such as the CPU check, RAM check and Drive check. I ALWAYS have this disabled, and in my humble opinion, so should everyone that overclocks as this would be your first sign of hardware problems. During the POST checks, you want to watch for the correct CPU type, multiplier, and bus speed, as well as the correct amount of RAM to show up during the RAM check. You should also watch the Drive check to make sure that the BIOS detected your drives (in some cases like secondary controlled RAID, you will not see your drives until the RAID Controller boots).

Best of luck Iain, I hope you can get this situation all ironed out!

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From what you wrote here and in the PMs I have to concur with this advice. Unless it is something in the MB itself it almost has to be a bad ram stick. Trying to boot up with one at a time should indicate which one it is. I am going to be seeing a tech today and I will run your situation by him and see what he says.


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Well then chaps last night i tried the RAM thing as described still no joy, And yes Heiko i get 1 short Beep Normal POST - system is ok but then the same thing the Gigabyte page comes up and before i can enter the Bios screen closes down the machine im lost now on how to get into the Bios.



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This may not be the same case for you.  I have just finished repairing a system for a customer with an almost identical problem.  The problem was overcome very simply, I removed the ATX supply and the 12v supply and reseated, removed the HDD sata connectors and reseated and then rebooted.  System worked perfectely.

This might not solve your problem, worth a try.

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woodduck is spot on.

At this point Iain, I would take it all apart and put it back together as gently and carefully as possible. It definitely sounds like something is happening during POST that is causing the motherboard to kill itself, so I think we can narrow it down to that. Like woodduck suggested, it could be a bad connection at a power plug, or there might be something shorted to ground on the motherboard (been there done that one).

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Warm can also be a problem.

When it's too warm (in the air), nevermind if you have the better cooler system, if the air is warm, your cooler will also fan a warm air. Is the air very hot in your FS room ? Sometimes it makes the computer crashed as if you've got a memory or motherboard crash...

Good luck for your investigation.

Hope you'll be back soon !

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Thanks chaps for the suggestions i will have another look at the cables then if no luck will strip it all down and rebuild then see what happens then if no luck with that its off to the pc hospital im affraid.



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No luck chaps so im afraid it looks like its off to the pc hospital on saturday for an operation and then hopefully it will be back and going again,

Thank you all for your imput on this problem it was well apprictiated and shows yet again what a great bunch of helpful people we have here on the forum i will leave this topic now and thank you once again.



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Question for you !!

Is the MoBo in AHCI or Compatibility mode for the HDD as this WILL prevent Booting and for some unknown reason the BIOS can reset to Factory default which is AHCI and if the PC was built with Compatibility mode it WILL fail on reboot.

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Sorry to hear that your baby is still under the weather...

It's starting to sound like either a Motherboard, CPU, or Power Supply issue.

If you have a voltmeter or multimeter you can test the individual leads coming from the power supply. This could be the cause if your CPU isn't getting it's 12V, which is then causing a POST failure on startup.

Just some ideas from my noggin'

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if i lived close to you i would lend you a psu and a video card to try and solve your issue mate, ;D;)  i love your sreen shots also,hope you solve your issue mate goodluck,your in the right place for the right advice

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Thank you all once again, I have just dropped the machine off at the pc hospital and as i type a techie is on the job hopefully in a few hours i should know the good or bad news i hope its good and then i can come back to the family here sooner rather than later i hope in the naxt day or two.



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Well then chaps its BAD NEWS sort off the moatherboard is a gonner but the GOOD NEWS ive been on to Overclockers uk and they are going to replace the moatherboard reinstall the i7 chip and RAM for me free of charge they say i should be back up before the week is out at least we now know what the problem was, Thanks again for all the help on this baffeling problem. now to go and pay the techie for doing his part and parcel the board back up.



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Well then chaps back from the techie he removed the board packaged it back up for me and when the new one arrives will rebuild it all for me now the charge Thirty English pounds you cant argue with that now can you see you all in a week.



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Not quite, i have a pc as my workhorse connected to the net and for everything thing else the Flightsim pc is just that it does not have anything else on it only FSX, ORBX, and my Aircraft and REX.



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You should be able to find a pinout of the power supply online if you need to, or in the user manual that came with it (if you managed to hold on to it).

The thing you need to know that is most important is that you need to short two of the pins on the 24V motherboard connector in order to 'trick' the power supply into turning on. You should be able to find the info the same place as the pinout.

Good luck Iain!

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