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Crashing when loading Vashion Island

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The strangest thing. I can fly to Vashion Island from anywhee else without a problem, but when I try to start from there a notice pops up that Flight Simulator has a problem and has to shut down. Once, when I was able to load (only once), the aircraft spawned a couple of hundred feet above the field, and although I could adjust the throttles and all else, the plane was stuck in exactly the same place. Very strange! I have Vashion sp1 too, but I don't know if that has anything to do with it. Does anyone else have anything like this happening?

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Not much help on the gremlins you are having, but I am building a computer similar to yours, pretty husky machine...........ahd just wondering how high you can set the sliders in FSX, and Traffic 2 if you have...........and you must have every scenery that ORBX makes!!.................I just have the PNW and use it almost all of the time even though I am in MPLS......B42L8

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Hi Stephen,

could be an issue with an object crash. Have you tried both runway directions as start positions and/or with crash detection set to off?

Cheers, Holger

Hi Holger,

I tried loading it numerous ways and get the same. When it doesn't close down FSX I get this: The plane frozen in space but the engine and controls still work, and the computer otherwise seems OK.

Posted Image

Not much help on the gremlins you are having, but I am building a computer similar to yours, pretty husky machine...........ahd just wondering how high you can set the sliders in FSX, and Traffic 2 if you have...........and you must have every scenery that ORBX makes!!.................I just have the PNW and use it almost all of the time even though I am in MPLS......B42L8

Hi Richard. Let me give you a belated welcome. You will find the information about my specs and settings here:


We released a patch for 2S1 this week which fixes the object crashes.

Hi John,

I had the patched version. I am going to delete the two Vashion Island airports and try to download and re-install to see if that does the trick. It's all very strange!

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Back in the Twilight zone...even though I deleted and reinstalled, the problem is exactly the same. I guess I will just have to avoid starting off there. Just when I think I have seen everything, something like this crops up. Not a big problem, as it is not my home airport. Now if it happened to Darrington or Concrete, that would be another story entirely!

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Best to be a bit methodical about this as it's something only you on your system are experiencing apparently.

When you say 'start at Vashon', do you mean start via a 'saved flight' via 'previous flight' or via loading the airport from the FSX airport/location menu?  Each of these will start you in a different position, and with different variables loaded.

Let's deal with the crash boxes first.  Start up FSX, turn of crash detection in your settings, and fly into Vashon from somewhere else. According to you, that shouldn't create a problem.  Now, place yourself at the start of the runway, either end.  Exit FSX at this point, and then restart and load 'previous flight'  Take off and see what happens.  If this fixes it, it's likely something to do with crash detection and the new patch removes crash boxes from all grasses, dandelions etc at Vashon.

If it's still the same problem, then at least we know it's not to do with crash boxes.

Of course, you should double check that your FTXCentral is set right, both in terms of the region, and the Control Panel.  Run through your other settings and make sure there is nothing odd there left from testing other stuff. 

Try flying in to Wax Orchards from elsewhere.  Then save that flight or use 'previous flight' and try starting from there.  See what happens.  It might tell you whether the issue you have is specific to Vashon or to that general area.

Try also flying into Vashon, then saving that flight and try starting from the saved flight.

If that produces no joy, uninstall the freeware Vashon using the correct procedure.  That is, delete the scenery in FSX first, then remove it from your FSX ORBX folder. 

You should then have the version of Vashon which came with the PNW release now active.  Make sure you don't ever uninstall that because it is built into the PNW scenery, and you will affect both the PNW scenery and the freeware Vashon if you do.

Try starting there using the normal FSX location/start menu.  If you still have a problem, then there is something gone very astray with your settings, installs, or something/anything with your setup, and nothing to do with the Freeware Vashon.  If this works okay, then we know it is specific to the Vashon freeware.  Reinstall (you need the patch if you have kept your original installation file, you don't need the patch if you redownload Vashon) and then install the latest ORBX libraries as always.

Defrag and give it a test.  Good luck..hope you get it fixed!



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I had it fixed last evening after deleting my FSX config file and having FSX rebuild it, and subsequently adding back my favorite tweaks. I think it was a corruption introduced by Multi-player - best guess! It is all sort of irrelevant now as I apparently destroyed my harddrive by being careless along with a good dose of stupidity (see Hardware and Tech Thread). Apparently I need a new harddrive now and have to mostly start all over again. Lord willing I will see you on the other side of all that!

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