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Orbx Fun with Friends add on?


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Bought this day after release, noticed its price went up by a pound or so from day one release to second day release, almost never bought it, but for the price of a pint, thought why not, Orbx dont push out junk, do they ?

But even at this cheap price, its not very well fleshed out is it Orbx? The whole suggestion of meeting friends to fly with most of us would have expected a Lobby, something like what MS did with the recent Reno Air Race stuff.


There is no documentation I can find associated with this add-on apart from the brief description on your website that is of no help whatsoever.

Took me ages to find any content whatsoever within FS2020 relating to this add on, eventually tried one region, that had no hint or suggestion what I was supposed to do, but saw an Orbx Balloon in scenery, so suppose that was it? No indication of where I could find the other courses or Easter eggs, perhaps the Easter egg is how to actually find these scenario's in the sim menu itself?

I live near Inverness and Loch Ness, where do I start that one in Simulation? Hopefully it will not interfere with normal sim flying in that area.

Noticed some discussion here recently about lower slipping standards from Orbx and any complaints are not received well my moderators here, nobody likes to complain, quite honestly most folk want a quality product and enjoy ... recently though :( its been not so great, to be perfectly honest have noticed this too but stayed out of it.

When I and others subscribe to a company like Orbx and see others complain and the overall standards still drop, then of course complaints will rise, wish it were not so, bought so much here, really have.

Please Orbx, bring back JV, things were better then, we all knew where we stood, it just seems to me a big churn of Orbx money making tacked on rubbish gushing out the door now at speed of light for FS2020 that in a lot of cases does not really need it or would ever be appreciated if you looked for it.

Orbx Fun with Friends add on is just the latest example of pure rubbish that is really making me think twice about Orbx these days.

Sorry, it had to be said.

Edited by B12
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55 minutes ago, John Dow said:

I think the price going up would have been the VAT being added when you purchased the item, not a price rise.


Although there's no documentation with the product, both the OrbxDirect page and the Orbx Central page have all the info you need to find each course, giving the nearest airport.  I think the product is designed to be a bit of a treasure hunt, that's the impression I get, it's up to the sim pilot to find the course, work it out, and although it's fun to fly alone, if you have any simming friends, it's designed to be a multiplayer course as well.  But I don't think it's designed to be a place where you can lob up and fly with just anyone, you need to organise it with your sim friends.


I'm sure it will mature as time goes on, at the moment it's just a trial product, so your observations will I'm sure be taken on board.





John, I'm not going to debate this with you mate, but did see it cheaper as final price, now its a pound dearer within a day and just under a Fiver in UK currency, I'm not stupid, the UK price was adjusted within 24 hrs inc all VAT and I wish I'd taken a screen shot now, but that's neither here nor there, I always look at the GBP price, the price we pay when I see products on Orbx store and it definitely changed by about a GBP pound since release, but that's not the issue, a pound is a pound so lets move on from that please.

We've seen these slight price adjustments happen on the fly before from Orbx and admitted here, perhaps by accident, original GBP price adjusted was in my usual email shot I get from you guys, and how I learned about this add-on, but a near 25% price rise in 2 days !!! Cmon. We have a enough to deal with in UK 50% energy price hikes without these sharp random Orbx price rises too :(

Main point is, and really tried with this add-on.

This is an Orbx official release and its not very good IMHO. I've always liked FSX missions, and thought at last Orbx were lending their good reputation and name to something similar with this in FS2020 at last, all that seems to have been done is add on a few very cheap race courses with no clear idea where to start, just a few cheap polygons, and it is not really intuitive how to find how to do this at all once bought and installed, went over the various FS2020 menu's and eventually found a scenario, it was just pitiful addition and no where near worth what is advertised.

The current Orbx advert is very very misleading and I would not recommend it to my worst enemy.

If you can provide me with the instructions you talk about, please do, because on Orbx web site its all very, very misleading indeed and extremely vague.

I just do not trust Orbx very much any more these days I'm afraid and find I have to take them to task more often. no offence hope you understand :)

Worst Orbx release ever.

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11 minutes ago, B12 said:

 did see it cheaper as final price, now its a pound dearer within a day and just under a Fiver in UK currency, I'm not stupid, the UK price was adjusted within 24 hrs inc all VAT


For the record.


The email:



The release announcement:





The current price without local tax:




The price for a UK customer including VAT:




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if you take off from these locations you should be able to see many from the airport and others are all close by.

Might be best to use clear skies weather pre-set for the first time looking for each course.

hope this helps.


As for lobbies as far as I'm aware this is currently not possible to be done.


Plan to make one of these video's for each course.


Desktop Screenshot 2022.02.04 - (2).png

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