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Lost Email


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Good Morning,

   I need to know where to get help in trying to find out what email I have been using to make purchases on Orbx Cental as i have a slew of email address but the problem is my paper that  I have all my emails and password on has simply vanished or my wife accidently tossed it out so now i am trying to log in and for the life of me cant remember the email I was using and have tried several emails with the hope that I got the right one but nope cant figure it out. The question is where do i need to go and find out what email i had been using. I can give them any information they need to verify that it is me and not some spammer. Nick hope you can help or lead me in the right direction thanks. I am getting old thats why i write everything down so that i dont forget.

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3 hours ago, goodperson36 said:

I am getting old thats why i write everything down so that i dont forget.


On the forum page top right click on your name - Account Settings will show that email address.

On Orbx Direct click on Account top right that will show that email address :)

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