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YMEN OOM and CTD issues

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Hi Folks, just love the new Essendon Fields. BUT... I can load any single-engine GA plane and fly away from YMEN with 55-60fps. As soon as I leave, fps goes upwards. Passing by Melbourne CBD 55fps. Leaving Melbourne, fps keeps rising. When I fly in rural areas, I get 70fps +. Rig is AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core Processor 3.59 GHz, 16GB RAM, Radeon RX 580 VRAM 8192MB, GDDR5 2000 Mhz.

Returning to YMEN, performance deteriorates slowly, but down to 40-50-fps, then OOM and CTD about 10 nautical miles from the field.

I think this machine performs stonkingly well in most conditions, and has no trouble with Aerosoft's Bora Bora scenery, which is the only other payware addon scenery I have.

I live in Melbourne, love Orbx and XP, and would love to use add-on scenery more as the defaults are pretty bland. It's also pretty sad to have an airport that I can only leave but not return to...


Thanks folks!

Log.txt scenery_packs.ini

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@Nick Cooper Please move this to the Support forum as I don't believe it is a BUG but a different issue.

@KQ707 I have rearranged the scenery_packs to see if that makes any difference so please try and report back.

If that doesn't resolve your issue we need to test other options to determine the cause.

The first and easiest is to choose the Verify Files option for YMEN in Orbx Central. This will show if there are any missing files for YMEN (I seriously doubt there will be)

The second and best by far is to rename your Custom Scenery folder to Custom Scenery.bak

Drag and drop YMEN, Global Airports and OrbxLibsXP from your Custom Scenery.bak folder into the new Custom Scenery folder.

Make sure that YMEN sits above Global Airports in the new scenery_packs.ini. OrbxLibsXP can be anywhere for this test.

Now try a flight which leaves and returns to YMEN.

Looking at your log file at the point of your CTD the log is stating you are very low on Memory and to turn down your rendering settings etc.

Here is the extract from your log file:

0:50:49.971 E/SYS: MACIBM_alert: X-Plane is running very low on memory.
0:50:49.971 E/SYS: MACIBM_alert: Scenery loading is now disabled.
0:50:49.971 E/SYS: MACIBM_alert: To avoid a crash, please turn down your settings and restart the sim as soon as possible.
0:50:49.971 E/SYS: MACIBM_alert: http://lookup.x-plane.com/_lookup_11_/lo_mem.html
0:50:49.971 E/SYS: MACIBM_alert: C:\jenkins\design-triggered\source_code\core\memory\UTL_memory.cpp:1097
0:50:54.573 E/SYS: THREAD FATAL ASSERT: X-Plane is totally out of memory.
0:50:54.573 E/SYS: THREAD FATAL ASSERT: Next time, turn down your rendering settings or remove add-ons to avoid this problem.
0:50:54.573 E/SYS: THREAD FATAL ASSERT: If you cannot restart X-Plane you may have to delete your preferences, found in the Output folder.
0:50:54.573 E/SYS: THREAD FATAL ASSERT: C:\jenkins\design-triggered\source_code\core\memory\UTL_memory.cpp:1119
0:50:54.573 E/SYS: +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0:50:54.573 E/SYS: | X-Plane is running very low on memory.
0:50:54.573 E/SYS: | Scenery loading is now disabled.
0:50:54.573 E/SYS: | To avoid a crash, please turn down your settings and restart the sim as soon as possible.
0:50:54.573 E/SYS: | http://lookup.x-plane.com/_lookup_11_/lo_mem.html
0:50:54.573 E/SYS: | (UTL_memory.cpp:1097)
0:50:54.573 E/SYS: +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--=={This application has crashed!}==--


The test I suggest above will only have YMEN and OrbxLibsXP and Global Airports in the Custom Scenery folder so there are no other scenery demands which could affect the demands on Memory.

Report back please especially on the results of the new Custom Scenery and limited addons test.

Place this revised scenery_packs.ini into your current Custom Scenery folder to replace your existing one.


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Hi Jon, many thanks for your reply and input! The second and best option worked, using another folder and putting only the YMEN scenery, library and Global Airports into it. No problem leaving, flying away and return to land at YMEN. My question now is: how to go about getting my other sceneries back without having the same issue? I'm a long-time FSX user and this system with XP11 is sometimes a bit hard to get my head around. 

Many thanks again.

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Thanks for the feedback. The test you did show nothing is wrong with the addon, but does indicate that there is a problem with other addons which causes a memory issue.

I can only suggest looking through your addons and seeing if there are any that you really don't use much or you can disable some when flying in Australia near YMEN

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Jon, sorry about the delay. All is good now - I lightened the load with addons and also overclocked the GPU using the auto feature. Thanks very much for your help in enabling me to use what is a fantastic product!


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