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EA-7 Edgley Optica- no take off possible

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Hello, I can not take off with the aircraft. The wheel in the front rises, aircraft goes into slight lean to take off but it continues to stay firmly on the ground. If I take off directly in the air, the aircraft swirls wildly back and forth and is uncontrollable. It's just like a stone with wings. Please help me. Thank's a lot!

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I had purchased the aircraft from the FS2020 store. Unfortunately, at least for me, the aircraft is not able to take off. 
The tail goes down from a speed and the aircraft should then take off, but it remains as stuck to the ground. And when I take off even directly in the air, the plane immediately swirls back and forth. A deletion from the content manager and reinstalling, unfortunately brought no improvement.

Please for support here, thank you very much!


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  • Nick Cooper changed the title to EA-7 Edgley Optica- no take off possible
14 hours ago, Doug Sawatzky said:

Hi, I have merged your topics.


Be sure you are using the Modern flight mode setting in MSFS and not the Legacy mode.

Hi Doug,

sorry for the double post. Thank's a lot mate! That helped:D 




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