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TVSC - Orbx Vector issues


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During a flight in the Carribean area, came upon a visual issue at TVSC


Orbx VECTOR Inactive, or only FTX_VECTOR_CVX active :













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the reason for this is that the airport runway extension was built on reclaimed land.

Orbx Vector was produced when the available data did not include this reclaimed land and it over rides the P3D v5 default vector data.

I see that you bought Vector long ago, so a no cost option for you would be to disable it before flying in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.


Another no cost option would be to use a freeware addon, grenadinesv2.zip at the Avsim File Library.




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Nick, thank you for your explanation! I now know what happens. Will look for the suggested addon, but generally speaking, I am not flying often in this area... Was just flying from Colombia to USA, with some island hopping en route.

Have a good evening


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Rechecking that airport...

In fact, the missing terrain extension and airport background do appear into P3Dv5.2.22 with Vector active, but they are textured as water,  not as background or shoreline...

So far, I will leave it as is, and install the Grenadines when returning to the Carribean area.

Thank you for your support.


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