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Joystick versus Yoke

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I was wondering what you guys are using joysticks or yokes.

I am using the Ch fighterstick for the moment i am very happy wit it.Very linear controlling

I used the saitek pro yoke (Its sucks it has a center dead spot) sold it.

I used the Ch yoke ho dos not have a center dead spot.But dos not move fluid on the pitch control.

Have used a lot of different brands of joysticks in the past and found the Ch fighter stick the superior one.

Its like a quest looking for the holy grail of controllers.

I think i found it in the CH stick ;D ;D

I was wondering Wat controller makes you guys a happy flyer 8)

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The preferences are as wide and varied as the sky. I have and use two joy sticks, and one yoke. I find that I usually use my CH Yoke in most of my sim flying, rather than taking time to change out. The Force Feed Back stick is the one I like and use the most when flying fighter aircraft. Go for what make you happy, and when you get a hankering for a new and different model, try it out, it's only money and you can't take it with you.


Wag  ;D

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I was wondering what you guys are using joysticks or yokes.

You could ask this question in 10 different forums and get 10 different answers

I am using the Ch fighterstick for the moment i am very happy wit it.Very linear controlling.

I have an X52 and find this very lineal even if the area close to centre is firmish.

My old FFB Microsoft joystick was brilliant I'd love to convert it to USB.

I used the saitek pro yoke (Its sucks it has a center dead spot) sold it.

I'm not sure what dead spot your referring to, but with the stock Saitek's if the centre spot is a bit strong  pop the lid and remove one return spring,  there is no dead spot in mine and it pretty much stays where you put it and slowly returns to centre, unless your in the air, when the electric trim and FFB comes into play.

I used the Ch yoke who does not have a center dead spot. But does not move fluid on the pitch control.

Soften the spring and use a gel wax to lubricate the Joystick internally will smooth this out.

Have used a lot of different brands of joysticks in the past and found the Ch fighter stick the superior one.

The only CH products I have tried I have never liked,

Its like a quest looking for the holy grail of controllers.

There is only one unit that is close to the Holy grail that you seek and they are made in Germany, made by "Brunner"

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I did everthing with the saitek removed springs, lubed everthing you can think of.

It still sucks big time.

De dead spot is in al the yokes saitek made.

Cheap pots.If you move the stick even a millimeter it has to respond the saitek does not.

Unfyable the only thing it is goed at are its looks thats all.

This is not fluying only adapting to the stick.

If a

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My saitek yoke works like a charm, as far as I recall I did loosen some ring holding the rod inside. Saitek pedals working super as well. For stick flying I use Thrustmaster Cougar, somewhat techy to get it set up initially, and one day I will need to replace the sensors and fit a different spring system. But I´m happy enough with it all. Got the HOTAS stuck to my seat and the yoke and leavers stuck to the desk.

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  Saitek Yoke and AV8TR custom joystick. I cut the handle of the AV8TR in half, used some 1 1/4 grey pipe and some 22s and some 90s. I extended it about 24" wiring and all and used hockey tape to for grips on both the stick and yoke.  easy easy and works fantastick.

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CH Yoke for most of the flying.. happy with it.. dont find it sticks ...

A thrustmaster (cant remember model) joystick I use when flying sidestick aircraft.

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@ brianos007  I'm sorry that you have had less than favorable results from your Saitek Yoke , but I must relay I came across a chap only recently that was a bit put out about his Saitek Yoke (A local only just getting started in Flight Simming),  I did a remote admin session to his PC and found that there was a significant Dead Zone set in FSX and in the Profiler (which I don't  use BTW)  I removed these and adjusted the sensitivity in FSX and the Yoke is now performing flawlessly.

Admittedly mine is a late model only 12 Months or so old.

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A still have the Ch yoke and the Ch fighterstick.

All the rest has left the building (like elvis) :) :)

The yoke is far superior than the Saitek. By sticky in mean a bit ruf on the pitch .

But when i lubed the axe it works like a charme.Far supirior pots. than the Saitek.

Grtz ;)

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at the moment I am using :

Saitek Pro Flight X65F Control (very good stick for jets)

Saitek Pro Flight Throttle Quadrant

Logitech G940  (good for light GA planes / gliders and WWII planes (Spit etc.))

Saitek Radio-/Switch-/Multi-Panel and three Instrument Flight Panels (I love this stuff, I wish I could built a cockpit ;D )

In the past I had used:

Saitek X52 (good but too smoth axis, I mean the springs were too weak)

Saitek Yoke (good yoke but, I was not used to fly with it)

Thrustmaster HOTAS Cougar (very good stick, but the poties were bad, I had got spikes)

CH Pedals (very good; sold with Cougar)

Saitek Pro Flight Pedals (good, but now I using G940 Pedals)

CH Stick and Throttle (10 - 12 years ago: very good, never had a problem, poties were good)

Microsoft Sidewinder FF (good, but axis too short, Forcefeedback not so good)

Thrustmaster TQS and Stick (loved it, but I was addicted to the Cougar :-) )

Old Thrustmaster Stuff can´t remember.

Crazy isn´t it ;D

Yeah it is, but I love every minute with my flightsims and I am flightsimming since the days of RedBaron from Sierra Entertainment / Battle Over Britain / SWOTL from LucasArts 1990.

Over all I prefer to use Joysticks.

Cheers Uwe

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I have been using a Saitek Cyborg 3D for years. I bought a Saitek Av8tr about a year ago and it stayed in the cupboard - feels way too light. I only seem to enjoy flying aircraft that have sticks rather than yokes anyway and I like the fact that my joystick can just go under my desk when I've finished and I don't have to dismantle anything.

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I'm using the CH Eclipse Yoke, Throttle Quadrant and Pro Pedals, all of which work fine.  In some aircaft a stick would feel more appropriate though.

The CH Eclipse was a recent purchase to replace the older CH Yoke, part of which stopped working. The extra HAT and switches are useful.  Haven't noticed any of the stickiness that some have mentioned.

I've also got a Thrustmaster HOTAS Cougar setup from some years back with the dodgy pots replaced with Hall sensors.  l  also had it modified to "Uber" spec with the machined bearings.  Simped F16+ pedals completed that setup  nicely.  Unfortunately (EDIT: its all analogue ) it all uses gameport connectors and I haven't been able to get it to work with the last two PC upgrades  :(  I really loved that setup.  Maybe I'll invest in a digital Cougar one of these days.


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Sorry to hear about your "amputated" Über Cougar, Graham. I´ll have to do the refurnishing on mine as well some day, perhaps I can hit you up on some tips some day?! Did you change the spring system as well, there´s a guy in Aus. that manufactures those.

I´ve heard about some gpu´s that have gameport, perhaps that would be a cheaper solution. But I don´t know how high-end they are. Just an idea...


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Hi Bjorn,

Yes, I sent the gimbals to the guy in Aus and he did the modification with bearings and springs.  That was a joy to use.  That was some years ago and I don't know if he's still doing it.  Not sure what I can offer in terms of tips but happy to help if I can.  I was heavily into Falcon 4 in an online squadron back then, so the Cougar/Simped setup was ideal for that.

Thanks for the suggestion of a GPU with a gameport.  Unfortunately I think that's just old technology that is not inluded on the quality cards any more.


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I haven't seen a video card with a gameport for 10 years...

And if I remember correctly, weren't they usually on sound cards, not video cards?

That is the way I remember it ;)

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Yes, you're right guys.  I've actually still got an old Soundblaster card with a gameport and an old Thrustmaster game card but they're not PCI so they're no good on the motherboards we use now.  And yes, it must be more than 10 years since I used them.

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That´s too bad.

Graham, he should be doing it still, I corresponded with him last year. He´s gotten a digitally controlled machine for making them. Just never got around to actually ordering the hardware. But I should get serious about it soon! I´m expecting (my wife to give birth to) a little-Bjorn/Bjornette  ;) in November, so I have to stock up with all the tech crap I can, before all the money is spent on diapers and pacifiers  :D Sort of a "scorched earth policy"...  ;D


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