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I just got a new computer and everything is new installed.

FS2020 and ESMS

When trying to load ESMS the sim, simply crashes to desktop.

Any idea why? I tried to delete the airport and download it again, but it doesnt make any difference.

I have tried with multiple aircrafts. 


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The community folder is empty. I run the Steam version and have bought all my add ons in the "Marketplace".
Then everything is placed in the Flightsim\Official\Steam folder a total of 253 folders here.

UPDATE: I just "deleted" my 3rd party airports and only installed ESMS and it still crashes during loading. If I try to fly to the airport, it crashes around 10 miles from the threshold :-)


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I am not sure where to locate the content.xml, but when uninstalling, both the Community and Official folders are removed from the disk.
So unless it is placed somewhere else, it should be a clean reinstall.

BTW, is it still version Thats the version I have of ESMS.


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Hi again

I didn't know about the cache. I pressed "delete" and now I can load ESMS

Now it is "off". Should I leave the cache off?

Thought the time with nerding with the sim was over. I feel I am back in FS9 now. Just want it to be plug and play :-)



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54 minutes ago, Donka said:

It’s recommended to delete the cache between updates. I would enable it again and test and hopefully it is resolved- it’s easy enough to turn it back off if the issue appears again. 

Thanks a lot for your advice. I didn't know that. Do you know the default setting? I didn't see if it was "off" before I pressed "delete" or if it was turned off because I deleted the cache :-)

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I don’t recall the default setting but I would recommend enabling it if you are not experiencing any issues with it as it is essentially caching the most recent locations which is helpful if you fly the same regions frequently. 

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