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Visibility of Orbx Central links to Community folder

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Perhaps a stupid question. Anyway I try. Is there a way for seeing in the Community folder the links that are created by Orbx Central when installing products on an external support. For others third-parties scenery I use a mklink and such links are obviously visible in the Community folder. I think I was wrong when applying the same method with Orbx products as I discovered in the Content manager panel that an Orbx scenery was mentioned twice. At the moment I have some problem which might be a consequence of this error.


To be sure please confirm (or not) the following steps: before an update of MSFS the only thing to do is to clear the Community folder and after create again via a batch file the links for non Orbx products and open Orbx Central to synchronize again Orbx products to MSFS.

I'm not sure having clear enough. Thank you very much for explanations.

Best regards

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the advice from Asobo that one needs to empty the Community folder does not necessarily mean that it is necessary.

So far, Asobo have written nothing to the Community folder and the advice seems to mean that they do not know what

affect their update might have an addon products.

Your last paragraph seems to suggest the correct way forward for you.

Could it be that your batch file is creating the duplicate entryt and was the second mention of the Orbx product also

marked as Community?

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Thank you for answering. You have not completely answered to my initial question (visibility of links) but I guess the answer is given by the fact that Orbx products are mentioned in the Content Manager panel. However I have some difficulty to be sure it is the Orbx scenery which is loaded: with others simulators it is evident as there is a big difference between default scenery and Orbx scenery. As an example in the case of 1S2 scenery I don't find some typical objects which are displayed in P3D and XP11. May be you changed the scenery but I still have a doubt: how to make sure the Orbx scenery is really loaded ?

Best regards

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