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Anyone ever seen this graphics corruption problem at flight setup?

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Ha Ha...  ;D

I'm not sure what happened... I loaded up FSX after backing up and deleting the fsx.cfg and that is what I saw... ugly. You should have seen the default 747... One of it's wings and landing gear were on a vertical instead of horizontal so it looked like it had a giant speedbrake and wheel coming out the starboard side of the fuselage...  :)

And rubles will do just fine... brew is in the mail.  ;)


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We used to see this quite a bit when seeing how high Bufferpools could be set.

UsePools=0 could potentially do the same.

The interpretation was overload or corruption of VRAM.

Glad you got it sorted ... quite alarming these glitches.

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Interesting, I had the same about a week ago when I was fiddling around with the Shader 3 mod and various lines in my cfg as well as seeing what difference all the changes made with DX9 or DX10. I couldn't get it all back to normal no matter what I tried and I had to do a complete re-install for the second time in about ten days. Only this time I didn't uninstall Acceleration properly first and now I can't reinstall it at all. I've had to go the SP1/SP2 route instead.

So far so good but for a day or so earlier this week I thought I had lost FSX forever just as I had bought my first FTX product.

Now I've finally got it all back up and working again (better than it ever has before so all the hassle has been kind of worth it) I am finished tweaking forever!

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I've got this problem as well - how did you reload the Shaders folders?

It's explained in the Shader Model 3.0 MOD Readme -

2) Edit your fsx.cfg file and add the following lines to enable Shader 3.0 support:




The SHADER_CACHE_VERSION above instructs FSX to re-compile the shaders, this number

has to be changed if the ShadersHLSL is modified. The 9872430 is just a random number

you can use ANY number, just remember to change it everytime you update anything INSIDE

your ShadersHLSL folder OR even if you UNINSTALL IT, so the shaders are re-compiled again.

I was having this problem too after I reset the fsx.cfg. Even though I was changing that cache version number to get it to rebuild but it wouldn't fix the graphical errors. Turns out I forgot to put that 'allow shader 3.0' line in.


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Like John said, it is the result of tweaking gone awry...

But for those of us that like to tweak, having something go wrong (like what happened to me above) is always a possibility.


Like MrMaestro said to recompile the shaders, simply add to your fsx.cfg:





Thanks for the vote...but there are others far more experienced than I... I owe all of my knowledge to them, like Wolter for example  ;)

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Wondering if anyone has seen this and knows a fix.

This occurred after a fsx.cfg file deletion.

Posted Image

Any ideas?

Had the exact same thing happening, quite amusing effects on aircraft http://forums1.avsim.net/index.php?showtopic=278533&hl=mutation

Now running UsePools=0, and no problems  ;)



Nevermind! I fixed it by reloading my shaders folder in the Users/Appdata/Roaming/Microsoft/FSX folder...

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Thanks. That´s right, Phil! But it´s still a bit hush hush, sure you understand  ;D

And, eh, sorry for sqeezing my reply into the quote. Wasn´t too clear headed after a night shift when posting ::)


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