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Would I get more frames in MSFS.


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As above with my current system, but I now have a 1080ti. Seeing as I sold my old graphics card which was a 1060 with 6 gig of ram, I now find myself with a bit of money to spend and was thinking of maybe buying a better M/B like a Z490 Tomahawk is it with possibly an i7 KF CPU. My question is would I get better frames from the new system or would I better off not bothering at all. Thanks Derek.


Run MSFS with dev mode on, if on Your current system it constatnly displays mainthread limited, then faster CPU will give You more fps, if it displays GPU Limited then it won’t.


how to turn on dev mode: settings-> general -> developer mode -> on



As Piotr suggested, this is the thing to try and test first. Then be aware that changing M/B and processor is now easier with Windows 10, but still rather cumbersome. Do you have your 6600K overclocked? Might also be worth trying, if your cooling solution is suitable. 


Hi Guys. Right I have developer mode on but my frames seem odd in that I’m getting 30-37 frames but the counter is red all the time and I see that the frames go to red some times. Please don’t tell the graphics card is not working properly. Thanks Derek.


Just noticed that when I’m turning the frames drop right down. Yet when I do not have developer on it fly’s ok. What is going on. Just to let you know I’m using a 2K monitor at 2560x1440 full screen, Global rendering is medium Thanks Derek.




I think I will leave it as it is as it fly’s ok and my son just popped in and he put on the Nvidia frame rate on and I’m getting 30 to 40 frames and I changed the settings to medium and it looks great and fly’s great. So all good. Thanks Derek.


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