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London Update. Glad to see it on Marketplace.

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It's been sometime coming but well worth the wait.  Good to see HMS Belfast back again and the Thames Barrier.  Noticed many buildings, Battersea Power Station and surrounding apartments, City Hall (next to London Eye) plus many other buildings, not sure if some were there before or new?  A few more Thames jetty's, boats, et. I certainly noticed that a fair few photogrammetry buildings were replaced. Orbx made up for what was done and left out in the UK update plus more. I was hoping the Cutty Sark in Greenwich would be replaced, but being a clipper ship with loads of rigging and sails would not be easy to make a 3D model of this?  Maybe, later, the huge Crystal Palace communication and TV mast might come along?  Overall I am very pleased with the update.  In future, I will make all my Orbx purchases direct, rather than use Marketplace.  

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Nice! This answers questions in my earlier thread. 

Did you see two versions to pick or any way to choose the version for use with or without UK update loaded? Perhaps that choice will only be available with the Orbx version and the in sim Marketplace either just looks to see if you have the UK Update London installed or not and chooses based on that? Or maybe it just assumes you'd have the UK Update London installed? 


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