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LOWG CTD with new update

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Since the 1.1.0 update for LOWG, the sim crashes to desktop when loading a flight. I uninstalled it and testet the standard scenery and everything works fine. Then i made a clean install of LOWG with Orbx Central and again - CTD when loading in.


Where can i get support for this?

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26 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:


it is nothing to do with the "new update".

In a nutshell, Asobo appear to have made a change to the Bing data that makes it incompatible with airport .cgl files.

The only workaround, apart from avoiding the airport, is to disable Bing data.

but every other airport works...so...?

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every other addon airport does not work.

Some airport products include a photo scenery background, contained in a .cgl file.

Many do not and use the Bing imagery.

Those airports that do use a .cgl file will now cause the simulator to crash, either

when loading there or flying from there.

Those addon airports that do not use a .cgl file are not affected.

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as this is hopefully a temporary problem, we do not recommend changing file names.

You can do so and then use the airport but it may not look as the developer intended.

Disabling Bing data is, as you write, a setting in the simulator but it will severely degrade

the user experience.


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@Nick: LOWG is my virtual home base - so avoiding the airport is not an option, also as you mentioned disabling Bing data is severely degrading my user experience.

is the question how long will "temporary" take the same category as when is the pandemic over?

So Graz is not useable anymore right now - boot the sim, load the situation, setup the aircraft, taxi to the runway and -> CTO ... aaaarggglll  

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welcome to the forums.

If you disable the .cgl file by renaming it to .cgX, or indeed .off as suggested above,

you will be able to use your airport.

Once the problem is fixed, you will be able to restore the file extension to .cgl.

As the problem seems to be a change made by Asobo to the way that the Bing Data behaves, we have no control over

how long it may take them to undo the change. 

As the problem is widespread, one would hope that it will not be long.


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I'm sorry but this is not a solution or even a try by Orbx. All my other addon airports work very well, only LOWG from Orbx doesn't. A friend of mine bought it in the marketplace and i ask him to check if he got the same problem and yes, he does!


If the company handles it the same way like they did with the rolling letters on the tower at LOWG (runs in wrong direction and was mentioned by many user here in the forum since day 1) then we have to wait a long time for a fix. This is not ok! I really don't mean something bad but not every fault is by Asobo.


I would suggest the developers check it and give us a fix the next few days. This would be very nice!

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2 hours ago, derSchulz said:

@Nick: LOWG is my virtual home base - so avoiding the airport is not an option, also as you mentioned disabling Bing data is severely degrading my user experience.

is the question how long will "temporary" take the same category as when is the pandemic over?

So Graz is not useable anymore right now - boot the sim, load the situation, setup the aircraft, taxi to the runway and -> CTO ... aaaarggglll  

Das selbe bei mir. Ich will meinen Heimatflugplatz bestmöglich nutzen! Hier wird das Problem auf Asobo geschoben, währen alle anderen Airports die ich gekauft habe funktionieren. Irgendwas zu deaktivieren seh ich jetzt auch nicht als Lösung. Schöne Grüße! :)

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35 minutes ago, MarsAquarius said:

I'm sorry but this is not a solution or even a try by Orbx. All my other addon airports work very well, only LOWG from Orbx doesn't. A friend of mine bought it in the marketplace and i ask him to check if he got the same problem and yes, he does!



you appear to think that I am suggesting some kind of work around.

I am not.

I am suggesting a way that will allow you to use the airport until Asobo fix the problem.


1. there is a problem with the simulator, that is Microsoft Flight Simulator.

2. the problem is that Asobo have made a change to the Bing Data.

3. the result of that change is that any airport or other product that uses a  .cgl file will now cause a CTD when Bing Data is ON.

4. LOWG contains such a .cgl file and therefore causes a CTD, it is therefore no surprise at all that every other user of the airport sees the same CTD.

5. other airports that do not use a .cgl file therefore do not cause a CTD.


You can also visit both the FS forum


and the Aerosoft forum


and see the exact same problem reported there, affecting numerous other developers' products.

Of course, to do that would deflect you from your apparent belief that the problem lies with Orbx and that I am trying to mislead you.


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30 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:



you appear to think that I am suggesting some kind of work around.

I am not.

I am suggesting a way that will allow you to use the airport until Asobo fix the problem.


1. there is a problem with the simulator, that is Microsoft Flight Simulator.

2. the problem is that Asobo have made a change to the Bing Data.

3. the result of that change is that any airport or other product that uses a  .cgl file will now cause a CTD when Bing Data is ON.

4. LOWG contains such a .cgl file and therefore causes a CTD, it is therefore no surprise at all that every other user of the airport sees the same CTD.

5. other airports that do not use a .cgl file therefore do not cause a CTD.


You can also visit both the FS forum


and the Aerosoft forum


and see the exact same problem reported there, affecting numerous other developers' products.

Of course, to do that would deflect you from your apparent belief that the problem lies with Orbx and that I am trying to mislead you.


Ok, thanks. I have checked it and did not see that some addon airports are not using such an file. I read earlier in the FS Forum that many have this issue. I'm sorry, i don't wanted to sound like an ***. At some point it is so frustrating with this new sim. The only benefit we get is the look of the weather and the terrain and buildings etc.

No other sim in the past had so simple issues than this.

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It is very dissapointing, but today i've been flown from LOWI to LOWG and as i was in for the right downwind rwy35c CTD. It happens multiple times. So i tried all my other payware airports. They're all ok, only my Orbx products fail. So in my opinion has Orbx to react for a fix, not asobo.


Thats a weak excuse from Orbx to give asobo the fault on this issue. As a consumer and user of Orbx products i would prefer Orbx to do an update that will fix this issue.


Best regards and do what you're suposed to do as a serious company....

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