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update on my fsx crashing issues,att,phil,wolter,and friends.


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hi to all,just wanted to provide an update to all the guys who offered great help and feedback in this forum,would love to say the issue is resolved ,but sorry its not,after all the fsx config file rebuilds and tweaks,and driver uninstalling to the graphics card and backing off the fsx sliders in the game,ive come to the point where now im going to completely wipe everything of my pc and start again,and even going to uninstall windows 7 and start again,now some changes i have made ,or should i say at the same time as all this is happening i found an excuse to upgrade to the new evga gtx 480 nvidida graphics card and another 500 gig hard drive to be installed making my hard drive space total 1 teribyte, well these upgrades are not being carried out in hope that it might solve the freeze issue,but wiping my pc totally of all programmes and starting again hopefully will,well i will keep you posted on how the new card goes compared to my old ATI5870 card and hopefully more harddrive space might speed up the loading time of my system,i will also do a stress test on the cpu again to make sure my system is stable and check mother board drivers ect it should be fun reinstalling everything >:( lol but if it means solving this issue ,im all for it  ;D wish me luck thanks for reading guys,

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Good luck timmo! (The gal in your forum picture must be a great, understanding woman!) I can share your frustration, as I have recently had to rebuild my PC from the ground up due to a driver issue and a corrupted install of W7.

The first thing I did after the initial install and updates was to make a backup. Then after installing FSX and any updates, I backed it up again...

I hope it works out, and if you need anymore help, we are at the ready!


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haha thanks phil ,my wife is very understanding ;D she,s been here next to me trying to make me feel better ;) ,as my pc issue has been shitting me for weeks on end,so yeah mate the only hope i have is to start again with all software removal and  a new windows7 fresh install,and those extra upgrades ive decided to do,anyways will keep you posted,and thanks for the offer of help you guys on here are awesome and hopefully in the future i can return the favours to you guys and yourself takecare for now.

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haha thanks tenblade for your advice on that ;D,i will be a bit scared to do any tweaks or ajustments to my fsx until im happy ive solve the freezing issue ;)then lookout ;Dwith this new gtx480 card im hoping for some resonable results,where the ATI card lagged in some areas,ill keep you posted mate ;)

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haha thanks phil ,my wife is very understanding  she,s been here next to me trying to make me feel better


:o Does your wife has a sister  ???  :-*

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I can recommend OCCT, freeware benchmarking for processor, very easy to use, also has a stresstest for gpu, but probably not as good as 3Dmark and such. But try it out when you´ve given your rig an enema, FSX is also a good stresstester, but OCCT gives you CLUES as to what the bloody blink is the problem ::)

Good luck, mate. Keep us posted!


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haha thanks phil ,my wife is very understanding  she,s been here next to me trying to make me feel better


:o Does your wife has a sister  ???  :-*

No no, can we clone her?! ;)  ::)
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hi wolter all i have is a 1 teribyte hard drive and im sure its my c drive which has that space no where else,and its a freezing problem i have not a blackout issue if thats wat you mean ;)if i install fsx on another hard drive wat will i gain,quicker loading time or more frames?as you can see im learning the pc trade lol ;D as far as i know my ram setting in the bios is 1200mhz im not totally sure on that one ,the pc shop set the overclock up for me tho ,wat do you think it should be?i pick it up tommorow,i will ask them about the ram speed.

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I remember something that happend to me about freezing......my PC was freezing all the time for no reason until I found out (after pulling out all my hairs off my head) I had one faulty IDE cables, I changed them all and my problem was gone....not saying you have the same problem but these cables are so cheap to replace........

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thanks wolter for the tip and alainneedle1,wats another term for ide cable,for us non educated computer geeks, ;D ;D

The ribbon cable that goes from devices like hard drives and cd-rom drives to the motherboard. Most new computers do not use them anymore, as they have switched over to SATA (small flat cables that are usually red).


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