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jetways not working in Orbx Leeds/Bradford


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Hi Bill,


You should have jetways at gates 7 and 8.

Here is what I see. First question is - are you actually seeing the jetways?



The jetways are controlled by the SODE module. If you are seeing them you should be able to get them to work either by using the SODE menu (default keystroke in the simulator to open that is TAB S) or, with GSXv2 installed you should be able to activate them from the GSX menu (ctrl shift F12).


If you are not seeing them first check that SODE is installed and active (in the simulator SODE 1.7.1 should be there under the add-ons menu). If it is active try verify files for EGNM in Orbx Central.


Hope this helps.


All the best,





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Hi John,

 Thank you for the reply. I can see the jetways but cannot get them to move. I have tried all combinations and verified the files in Orbx. I get a message in GSX that the jetways are not movable. All the other vehicles and pushback etc. work fine. I did have UK2000 Leeds installed prior Orbx, but had deleted it prior to the Orbx installation.

I have looked in the SODE folder and cannot see any mention of ENGM Leeds, other Orbx scenery files are there though. I will keep trying, who knows, I might fluke it.

Stay safe,


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1 hour ago, BILL1948 said:

I have looked in the SODE folder and cannot see any mention of ENGM Leeds, other Orbx scenery files are there though.


Hi Bill,


A couple of things to check.

Removing scenery often doesn't remove the SODE files.

Have a look in your SODE XML folder:

The file UK2000 Leeds Xtreme.xml shouldn't be there (or should be disabled).

The files SODE_EGNM.xml and SODE_EGNM_Jetways.xml should be there (the first one controls the windsocks).


If all is correct and your jetways look like the ones in my screenshot try moving your plane backwards or forwards a bit at the ramp.

SODE jetways can be fiddly and if they are set up to work for one type of plane they can sometimes refuse to move for another - I think I've received messages like the door is too far away for the jetway to operate.


All the best,



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Hi again John,

 Once again thank you for the prompt reply. I have checked the SODE xml folder and only have the two files that you mention, no sign of UK2000 EGNM, so will see what happens today. Once again thank you and stay safe.

Best wishes,


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Hi again John,

 I have just tried again at stands 7 and 8 and no movement. GSX has a message that " No jetway can operate at this position ". I have rebuilt the COATL database, disabled and re-enabled gsx and still the same message. I did however notice a ghost second jetway appear briefly when doing this, but am left with the same jetway that appeared on first loading the scenery. It has a British Airways sign on it. So still no joy, but I will keep trying.

Best wishes,


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2 hours ago, BILL1948 said:

" No jetway can operate at this position ".


Hi Bill,


Did you try my suggestion of moving the plane a bit closer to the terminal? The message you have there is the one GSX gives when the aircraft door is too far from the jetway for it to operate. It depends on the plane you are flying as to whether you need to move the plane a bit or not for things to work right.

Here I've set it up to give the message, the plane is a bit too far back.



If I slew forward slightly everything works as it should.



All the best,



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 Hi again,

 Well, the jetways work, but although the vehicles move around the aircraft they do not accomplish anything. No luggage is unloaded and nothing else happens, everything just sits there. Should I, as suggested above, disable SODE for this airport, or is there another solution? Has anyone else had this issue please?

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